Visual Basic: MSTab Control

SSTab Control Constants

See Also

Clipboard constants

Constant Value Description
ssCFText 1 Text (.TXT) file
ssCFBitmap 2 Bitmap (.BMP) file
ssCFMetafile 3 Metafile (.WMF) file
ssCFDIB 8 Device-independent bitmap
ssCFPallette 9 Color palette
ssCFEMetafile 14 Enhanced metafile (.EMF) file
ssCFFiles 15 Filename list (Microsoft Windows Explorer)
ssCFRTF -16639 Rich Text format (.RTF) file

DragOver constants

Constant Value Description
ssEnter 0 Source control dragged into target.
ssLeave 1 Source control dragged out of target.
ssOver 2 Source control dragged from one position in target to another.

Error constants

Constant Value Description
ssInvalidProcedureCall 5 Invalid procedure call.
ssOutOfMemory 7 Out of memory.
ssInvalidPropertyValue 380 Invalid property value.
ssBadIndex 381 Invalid property array index.
ssSetNotSupported 383 Property is read-only.
ssGetNotSupported 394 Property is write-only.
ssInvalidObjectUse 425 Invalid use of object.
ssWrongClipBoardFormat 461 Specified format doesn't match format of data.
ssInvalidPicture 481 Invalid picture.
ssDataObjectLocked 672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
ssExpectedAnArgument 673 Expected at least one argument.
ssRecursiveOLEDrag 674 Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
ssFormatNotByteArray 675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
ssDataNotSetForFormat 676 Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.

MousePointer constants

Constant Value Description
ssDefault 0 Default.
ssArrow 1 Arrow mouse pointer.
ssCross 2 Cross mouse pointer.
ssIBeam 3 I-Beam mouse pointer.
ssIcon 4 Icon mouse pointer.
ssSize 5 Size mouse pointer.
ssSizeNESW 6 Size NE SW mouse pointer.
ssSizeNS 7 Size N S mouse pointer.
ssSizeNWSE 8 Size NW SE mouse pointer.
ssSizeEW 9 Up arrow mouse pointer.
ssUpArrow 10 Up arrow mouse pointer.
ssHourglass 11 Hourglass mouse pointer.
ssNoDrop 12 No drop mouse pointer.
ssArrowHourglass 13 Arrow and hourglass mouse pointer.
ssArrowQuestion 14 Arrow and question mark mouse pointer.
ssSizeAll 15 Size all mouse pointer.
ssCustom 99 Custom mouse pointer icon specified by the MouseIcon property.

OLEDrop constants

Constant Value Description
ssOLEDropNone 0 Accepts no OLE drag/drop operations.
ssOLEDropManual 1 Accepts an OLE drag/drop under programmatic control only.

OLEDropEffect constants

Constant Value Description
ssOLEDropEffectNone 0 No OLE drag/drop operation has taken, or would take place.
ssOLEDropEffectCopy 1 A mask to indicate that a copy has taken, or would take place.
ssOLEDropEffectMove 2 A mask to indicate that a move has taken, or would take place.
ssOLEDropEffectScroll &H80000000 A mask to indicate that the drop target window has scrolled, or would scroll.

Style constants

Constant Value Description
ssStyleTabbedDialog 0 The tabs look like those in the tabbed dialogs in Microsoft Office for Microsoft Windows 3.1 applications.
ssStylePropertyPage 1 The tabs look like the tabs in Microsoft Windows 95 (or later).

Tab Orientation constants

Constant Value Description
ssTabOrientationTop 0 The tabs appear at the top of the control.
ssTabOrientationBottom 1 The tabs appear at the bottom of the control.
ssTabOrientationLeft 2 The tabs appear on the left side of the control.
ssTabOrientationRight 3 The tabs appear on the right side of the control.