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PresetDrop Method [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Specifies whether the callout line attaches to the top, bottom, or center of the callout text box or whether it attaches at a point that's a specified distance from the top or bottom of the text box.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


MsoCalloutDropType can be one of these MsoCalloutDropType constants.
msoCalloutDropMixed Not used with this method.


This example specifies that the callout line attach to the top of the text bounding box for the first shape in the active publication. For the example to work, the shape must be a callout.

ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).Callout _
    .PresetDrop DropType:=msoCalloutDropTop

This example toggles between two preset drops for the first shape one in the active publication. For the example to work, the shape must be a callout.

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).Callout
    Select Case .DropType
        Case msoCalloutDropTop
            .PresetDrop DropType:=msoCalloutDropBottom
        Case msoCalloutDropBottom
            .PresetDrop DropType:=msoCalloutDropTop
    End Select
End With

Applies to | CalloutFormat Object