Title Property

Returns the title of the specified object. Read-only or read/write String depending on the specified object.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies to list.


For the WebEx and WebFile objects the Title property returns the title of the active WebEx object as a read/write String.


At the same time as you're traversing the navigation nodes, you can also return the title (file name) of the file that's associated with a particular node. The following example returns the title of the file associated with a navigation node in the active Web site.

Private Sub GetFileFromNavNode()
    Dim myWeb As WebEx
    Dim myNavNode As NavigationNode
    Dim myFileFromNavNode As String

    Set myWeb = ActiveWeb
    Set myNavNode = _

    With myNavNode
         myFileFromNavNode = .File.Title
    End With
End Sub

The following example shows how you can set the title of the first file in the Web site.

Private Sub SetTitle()
    Dim myWeb As WebEx
    Dim myNewTitle As String
    Dim myFile As WebFile

    MyNewTitle = "Inventory.htm"
    Set myWeb = ActiveWeb
    Set myFile = myWeb.RootFolder.Files(0)

    MyFile.Title = myNewTitle
End Sub

Applies to | WebEx Object | WebFile Object | WebPackage Object