ShowSmartTagIndicator Property [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

Indicates whether the smart tag indicator should be shown.

Applies To



[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Property Get ISmartTagAction2_ShowSmartTagIndicator(ByVal VerbID As Long, ByVal ApplicationName As String, ByVal LocaleID As Long) As Boolean

[Visual C++ 6.0]

STDMETHODIMP CSTAction::get_ShowSmartTagIndicator (INT VerbID, BSTR ApplicationName, INT LocaleID, VARIANT_BOOL * Visible)

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public ReadOnly Property ShowSmartTagIndicator(ByVal VerbID As Integer, ByVal ApplicationName As String, ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As Boolean Implements Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.ISmartTagAction2.ShowSmartTagIndicator

[Visual C#]

public bool get_ShowSmartTagIndicator(int VerbID, string ApplicationName, int LocaleID)


VerbID  An integer previously specified with the VerbID method.

ApplicationName  A string that represents the name (ProgID) of the calling application. This is a way of getting the name of an application regardless of the object model. It is also used to identify applications that do not support the passing in of a Target because, for example, they are not automatable.

The following table lists ProgIDs for Microsoft applications.

Application ProgID
Access 2003 Application.Access.11
Excel 2003 Excel.Application.11
PowerPoint 2003 PowerPoint.Application.11
Word 2003 Word.Application.11
Internet Explorer (5.0, 5.5, 6.0) Ietag.ooc.1

LocaleID  The language identifier that corresponds to the UI language of the calling application. A verb can customize its caption for the LocaleID, return Null, or return an empty string ("") to specify that the verb does not work under the respective LocaleID.


If the ShowSmartTagIndicator property returns true, the smart tag indicator should be shown. If it returns false, the smart tag indicator should not be shown. The default is true if an action does not support this function (for example, if smart tags are built for Office XP and only version 1 of the smart tag API is implemented). If you are using version 2 of the smart tag API and want the smart tag indicator to appear, you should explicitly set the ShowSmartTagIndicator property to rue.

An action created for use with XML authoring in Word (for example, "Insert objective section" in a resume template) will not trigger the smart tag indicator. Furthermore, not every element of this type requires that the smart tag indicator attribute be present, since its presence would make the document much larger and make the XML confusing in appearance.