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ISmartTagAction Interface [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

The ISmartTagAction interface implements the properties and method required by DLLs to support verbs applicable to a specific recognizer.

Member Summary


Name Type Description
ProgId String The programmatic identifier of the DLL action interface
Name String A short title reflecting what the action does
Desc String A substantive description of what the action does
SmartTagCount Integer The number of smart tag types that the DLL supports
SmartTagName String The unique string identifiers of smart tag types that the DLL supports
SmartTagCaption String A caption for a smart tag type for use in on-object menus
VerbCount Integer The total number of verbs supported by a DLL for a given smart tag type
VerbID Integer A unique integer identifier for a verb
VerbCaptionFromID String A caption for a smart tag type action for use in on-object menus
VerbNameFromID String A identifier string for a verb not specific to any language


Name Description
InvokeVerb Invokes a verb.


Writing a smart tag action is somewhat similar to writing a smart tag recognizer; there are a number of properties that are used when an implementing application is interrogating the action, and there is one method where most of the important work is done. The following interface description language defines the ISmartTagAction interface.

interface ISmartTagAction : IDispatch
[propget, id(1)]
HRESULT ProgId([out, retval] BSTR *ProgId);

[propget, id(2)]
HRESULT Name([in] int lcid, 
    [out, retval] BSTR *Caption);

[propget, id(3)]
HRESULT Desc([in] int lcid, [out, retval] BSTR *Desc);

[propget, id(4)]
HRESULT SmartTagCount([out, retval] int *Count);

[propget, id(5)]
HRESULT SmartTagName([in] int SmartTagID, 
    [out, retval] BSTR *Name);

[propget, id(6)]
HRESULT SmartTagCaption([in] int SmartTagID,
 [in] int LocaleID,
 [out, retval] BSTR *Caption);
[propget, id(7)]
HRESULT VerbCount([in] BSTR SmartTagName, 
    [out, retval] int *Count);

[propget, id(8)]
HRESULT VerbID([in] BSTR SmartTagName, 
 [in] int VerbIndex, [out, retval] int *VerbID);

[propget, id(9)]
HRESULT VerbCaptionFromID([in] int VerbID, 
    [in] BSTR ApplicationName, [in] int LocaleID, 
    [out, retval] BSTR *Caption);

[propget, id(10)]
HRESULT VerbNameFromID([in] int VerbID, 
    [out, retval] BSTR *Name);

HRESULT InvokeVerb([in] int VerbID,
[in] BSTR ApplicationName,
[in] IDispatch *Target,
[in] ISmartTagProperties *Properties, 
[in] BSTR Text,
[in] BSTR Xml);