Right Property

Right property as it applies to the ChPlotArea object.

Returns or sets a Long that represents the right edge of the specified object. Read/write.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a ChPlotArea object.

Right property as it applies to the ChartSpace, ChAxis, ChCategoryLabel, ChChart, ChChartField, ChDataLabel, ChDataLabels, ChDropZone, ChErrorBars, ChLegend, ChLegendEntry, ChPoint, ChSeries, ChScrollView, ChTitle, and ChTrendline objects.

Returns a Long that represents the right edge of the specified object. Read-only.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

Applies to | ChartSpace Object | ChAxis Object | ChCategoryLabel Object | ChChart Object | ChChartField Object | ChDataLabel Object | ChDataLabels Object | ChDropZone Object | ChErrorBars Object | ChLegend Object | ChLegendEntry Object | ChPlotArea Object | ChPoint Object | ChScrollView Object | ChSeries Object | ChTitle Object | ChTrendline Object

See Also | Bottom Property | Left Property | Top Property