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FPC Scenario

FPC Scenario

Based on the Budget Planning scenario described in the Overview section of this document, these are the steps the FabriKam Finance Controller, Josh, would take to add and configure the Multi-Library List View (SPMLLV) FPC for SharePoint Products and Technologies for his private use in reviewing the budget plans.

  1. He starts by modifying his home page on the SharePoint site to add the Multi-Library List View Web Part.

    Figure 1. The MLLV Web Part is available in the Virtual Server Gallery

  2. Then, in the tool pane, he selects the Multi-Library List View and selects the Library Type (Document or Form). As he completes this, the Configure Libraries tool part updates the document template selection list.

  3. Next, he selects the base template. As he completes this, the Configure Libraries tool part updates the library list with libraries matching this criteria (restricted by his access rights).

  4. Josh selects the libraries he wants to include.

  5. He selects properties to display and their position.

    Figure 2. The Configure Libraries tool part

  6. Josh selects the Aggregation function for Budget Target, Budget Plan, and Budget Variance.

  7. He moves down in the tool pane and edits the standard Web Part properties, adding a title.

  8. He clicks OK to update the SPMLLV Web Part.

    Figure 3. The Web Part title can be modified from the tool part

The Multi-Library List View Web Part now displays the consolidated list.

Figure 4. A MLLV Web Part UI example showing a rollup of budget forms (click picture to see larger image)


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