SplineKnot row (Geometry section)

SplineKnot row (Geometry section)

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See also         Section         Cells

Contains x- and y-coordinates for a spline's control point and a spline's knot.

A SplineKnot row contains the following cells.




The x-coordinate of a control point.


The y-coordinate of a control point.


One of the spline's knots (other than the last one or the first two).


Microsoft Visio displays the definition of a spline in a Geometry section that contains a SplineStart row followed by one or more SplineKnot rows. The SplineStart row must be preceded by another kind of row, such as a MoveTo row, to indicate the first control point of the spline. The preceding row can be a LineTo, ArcTo, NURBSTo, PolylineTo, or EllipticalArcTo row if the spline follows a segment of that type.