BeforeKeyUp Event

Occurs when a user releases a key on the keyboard, but before the control has processed the keystroke.

Private Sub Object_BeforeKeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal Cancel As ByRef)

Object    The name of the ChartSpace, PivotTable, or Spreadsheet object that this event applies to..

*KeyCode   * An integer that represents the key code of the key that was pressed or released.

*Shift   * The state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys. Returns 1 if the SHIFT key was pressed, 2 if the CTRL key was pressed, and 4 if the ALT key was pressed. Returns 0 if neither the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys were pressed.

*Cancel   * Set the Value property of this object to True to cancel the keystroke.


Canceling this event does not prevent the KeyUp event from firing.

The sequence of keyboard-related events is:

  1. BeforeKeyDown
  2. KeyDown
  3. BeforeKeyPress
  4. KeyPress
  5. BeforeKeyUp
  6. KeyUp

Applies to | ChartSpace Object | PivotTable Object | Spreadsheet Object

See Also | BeforeKeyDown Event | BeforeKeyPress Event | KeyDown Event | KeyPress Event | KeyUp Event