ApplyStyleFirstColumn Property

ApplyStyleFirstColumn Property
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True for Microsoft Word to apply first-column formatting to the first column of the specified table. Read/write Boolean.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Table object.


The specified table style must contain first-column formatting in order to apply this formatting to a table.


This example formats the second table in the active document with the table style "Table Style 1" and removes formatting for the first and last rows and the first and last columns. This example assumes that a table style named "Table Style 1" exists and that it contains first column formatting.

  Sub TableStyles()
    With ActiveDocument.Tables(2)
        .Style = "Table Style 1"
        .ApplyStyleFirstColumn = False
        .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = False
        .ApplyStyleLastColumn = False
        .ApplyStyleLastRow = False
    End With
End Sub