<DocumentSheet> element

<DocumentSheet> element

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Specifies a document's ShapeSheet structure.


      [Name = "name"]
      [NameU = "universalname"]
      [UniqueID = "uniqueid"]
      [LineStyle = "intval"]
      [FillStyle = "intval"]
      [TextStyle = "intval"]> 



Optional string. The name of the DocumentSheet element.


Optional string. The universal name of the DocumentSheet element.


Optional string. A GUID (globally unique identifier) identifying the shape.


Optional int. Specifies the ID of the StyleSheet element from which this sheet inherits line formatting.


Optional int. Specifies the ID of the StyleSheet element from which this sheet inherits fill formatting.


Optional int. Specifies the ID of the StyleSheet element from which this sheet inherits text formatting.

Element information

Parent elements:


Child elements:

Act (optional), Align (optional), Char (optional), Connection (optional), ConnectionABCD (optional), Control (optional), Data1 (optional), Data2 (optional), Data3 (optional), DocProps (optional), Event (optional), Field (optional), Fill (optional), Foreign (optional), ForeignData (optional), Geom (optional), Group (optional), Help (optional), Hyperlink (optional), Image (optional), Layer (optional), LayerMem (optional), Layout (optional), Line (optional), Misc (optional), PageLayout (optional), PageProps (optional), Para (optional), Prop (optional), Protection (optional), RulerGrid (optional), Scratch (optional), StyleProp (optional), Tabs (optional), Text (optional), TextBlock (optional), TextXForm (optional), User (optional), XForm (optional), XForm1D (optional)


While all the listed child elements are technically permitted, only DocProps, User, Prop, Hyperlink, Scratch, Data1, Data2, and Data3 are likely to be relevant to the DocumentSheet element.

See also

DocumentSheet property