Format cell (Custom Properties section)

Format cell (Custom Properties section)

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

See also         Section         Rows

Specifies the formatting of a custom property that is a string, a fixed list, a number, a variable list, a date or time, a duration, or a currency.


Custom property type


Format cell contents



A format picture appropriate for the data type

Fixed list


The items to appear in the list, separated by commas



A format picture appropriate for the data type

Variable list


The items to appear in the list, separated by commas

Date or time


A format picture appropriate for the data type



A format picture appropriate for the data type



A format picture appropriate for the data type

As an example of specifying a format picture appropriate for the data type, the format picture "# #/4 UU" formats the number 12.43 in. as 12 2/4 INCHES. For more information about specifying a format picture, see About format pictures.

An example of specifying items for a list is "Engineering;Human Resources;Sales;Marketing".

Date values (Type = 5) are displayed in the short date format. Currency values (Type = 7) are displayed using the user's current Regional Settings for currency.

A number (Type = 2) can represent a dimension, scalar, angle, date, time, or currency. To ensure that an input number is always evaluated as a date, time, or currency, use the DATETIME or CY function in the Format cell instead of a format picture.

To reference the Format cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the Cells property, use:

Cell name:

where Prop.Name is the row name

To reference the Format cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:

Section index:


Row index:

visRowProp + i
where i = 0, 1, 2…

Cell index:
