All Data is Imported and Correct in SBCM

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Using the SBCM Views, check the following items for correctness:

Top Customers

  • Does the sales amount for each client and the number of invoices for each client match the data from the source accounting application?

  • Drill down on a customer (double-click on the Sales column for a customer). Do the invoice details match the data from the source accounting application?

Top Salespeople

  • Does the number of salespeople imported in SBCM match the number of salespeople from the source accounting application?

  • Does the total sales amount for each salesperson and the number of invoices for each salesperson match the data from the source accounting application?

  • Drill down on a salesperson. Do the invoice details match the data from the source accounting application?

Top Products

  • Is the list of top products similar to the data from the source accounting application?

  • Does the total sales amount, the quantities sold, and the number of orders for each product match the data from the source accounting application?

  • Drill down on a product. Do the invoice details match the data from the source accounting application?

All Customers

  • Does the number of customers imported in SBCM match the number of customers from the source accounting application?

  • Drill down on each customer and check all the associated data (addresses, contact, and so forth). Does it match the data from the source accounting application?

All Contacts

  • Does the number of contacts imported in SBCM match the number of contacts from the source accounting application?

  • Drill down on each contact and check all the associated data (addresses, contact, and so forth). Does it match the data from the source accounting application?

Customers by Sales and by Orders

  • Same checks as Top Customers views.

Customers by Time Since Last Order

  • Does the amount and the date for the last order for each customer match the data from the source accounting application?

  • Do the invoice details from the last order match the details of the original invoice? (To see the details for this order, double-click on the Sales column for a customer and look for the invoice with the last invoice date.)

Customer by Product

  • Does the total sales amount, the quantity, and the number of orders match the data from the source accounting application?

  • Drill down on a row. Do the invoice details match the data from the source accounting application?

Products and Sales Reports

  • Same checks as Top Products views.

Profitability Reports

  • Check the Gross Profit and Gross Margin calculations. Do the calculated numbers match the data from the source accounting application?