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Visual Basic Equivalents F

Visual Basic Equivalents F
This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.


FieldSeparator$ Application.DefaultTableSeparator
FileAOCEAddMailer ActiveDocument.HasMailer = True
FileAOCEDeleteMailer ActiveDocument.HasMailer = False
FileAOCEExpandMailer Macintosh only
FileAOCEForwardMail ActiveDocument.ForwardMailer
FileAOCENextLetter Application.NextLetter
FileAOCEReplyAllMail Macintosh only
FileAOCEReplyMail Macintosh only
FileAOCESendMail ActiveDocument.SendMailer
FileClose ActiveDocument.Close
FileCloseAll Documents.Close
FileClosePicture ActiveDocument.Close
FileConfirmConversions Options.ConfirmConversions = True
FileCreator$() Macintosh only
FileDocumentLayout Macintosh only
FileExit Application.Quit
FileFind Application.FileSearch
FileList number RecentFiles(num).Open
FileMacCustomPageSetupGX Macintosh only
FileMacPageSetup Macintosh only
FileMacPageSetupGX Macintosh only


x = ActiveDocument.FullName

x = RecentFiles(num).Name & Application.PathSeparator & RecentFiles(num).Path

FileNameFromWindow$() x = Windows(1).Document.FullName
FileNameInfo$() x = WordBasic.[FileNameInfo$]()

x = ActiveDocument.Name

x = ActiveDocument.Path

x = ActiveDocument.FullName

FileNew Template Documents.Add Template:=filename
FileNewDefault Documents.Add
File num RecentFiles(num).Open
FileOpen Documents.Open
FilePost ActiveDocument.Post
FilePageSetup Tab, TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, Gutter, PageWidth, PageHeight, Orientation, FirstPage, OtherPages, VertAlign, ApplyPropsTo, Default, FacingPages, HeaderDistance, FooterDistance, SectionStart, OddAndEvenPages, DifferentFirstPage, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode With ActiveDocument.PageSetup

    .TopMargin = num

    .BottomMargin = num

    .LeftMargin = num

    .RightMargin = num

    .Gutter = num

    .PageHeight = num

    .PageWidth = num

    .Orientation = WdOrientation

    .FirstPageTray = WdPaperTray

    .OtherPagesTray = WdPaperTray

    .VerticalAlignment = WdVerticalAlignment


    .MirrorMargins = True

    .HeaderDistance = num

    .FooterDistance = num

    .SectionStart = WdSectionStart

    .OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = True

    .DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True

    .SuppressEndnotes = True

    With LineNumbering

        .Active =True

        .StartingNumber = num

        .DistanceFromText = num

        .CountBy = num

        .RestartMode = WdNumberingRule

    End With

End With

FilePreview Image control
FilePrint ActiveDocument.PrintOut
FilePrintDefault ActiveDocument.PrintOut
FilePrintOneCopy Macintosh only
FilePrintPreview, FilePrintPreview() PrintPreview = True

x = PrintPreview

FilePrintPreviewFullScreen PrintPreview = True

ActiveWindow.View.FullScreen = True

FilePrintPreviewPages, FilePrintPreviewPages() With ActiveWindow.View.Zoom

    .PageColumns = 2

    .PageRows = 1

End With

FilePrintSetup ActivePrinter
FileProperties WordBasic.FileProperties
FileQuit Application.Quit
FileRoutingSlip Subject, Message, AllAtOnce, ReturnWhenDone, TrackStatus, Protect

FileRoutingSlip AddSlip

FileRoutingSlip RouteDocument

FileRoutingSlip AddRecipient

FileRoutingSlip ResetSlip

FileRoutingSlip ClearSlip

With ActiveDocument.RoutingSlip

    .Subject = text

    .Message = text

    .Delivery = WdRoutingSlipDelivery

    .ReturnWhenDone = True

    .TrackStatus = True

    .Protect = WdProtectionType

End With

ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = True




ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = False

Files$() Dir()
FileSave ActiveDocument.Save
FileSaveAll Documents.Save
FileSaveAs ActiveDocument.SaveAs
FileSendMail ActiveDocument.SendMail
FileSummaryInfo Title, Subject, Author, Keywords, Comments, FileName, Directory, Template, CreateDate, LastSavedDate, LastSavedBy, RevisionNumber, EditTime, LastPrintedDate, NumPages, NumWords, NumChars, NumParas, NumLines, FileSize With ActiveDocument





















End With

FileTemplates ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate = template
FileType$() Macintosh only
Font, Font$() Selection.Font.Name = text

x = Selection.Font.Name

FontSize, FontSize() Selection.Font.Size = num

x = Selection.Font.Size

FontSizeSelect Application.Run MacroName:="FontSizeSelect"
FontSubstitution Application.SubstituteFont
For...Next For...Next
FormatAddrFonts ' Set properties of the Font object

With ActiveDocument.Envelope.Address.Font

    .Size = num

    .ColorIndex = WdColorIndex

    .Bold = True

End With

FormatAutoFormat ActiveDocument.AutoFormat
FormatBordersAndShading Shadow, TopBorder, LeftBorder, BottomBorder, RightBorder, HorizBorder, VertBorder, TopColor, LeftColor, BottomColor, RightColor, HorizColor, VertColor, FineShading, FromText, Shading, Foreground, Background, Tab With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Borders

    .Shadow = True

    .DistanceFromBottom = num

    .DistanceFromTop = num

    .DistanceFromLeft = num

    .DistanceFromRight = num

End With

With Selection.Shading

    .Texture = WdTextureIndex

    .BackgroundPatternColorIndex = WdColorIndex

    .ForegroundPatternColorIndex = WdColorIndex

End With

With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1)

    .Borders(WdBorderType).LineStyle = WdLineStyle

    .Borders(WdBorderType).LineWidth = WdLineWidth

    .Borders(WdBorderType).ColorIndex = WdColorIndex

End With

With Dialogs(wdDialogFormatBordersAndShading)

    .DefaultTab = WdWordDialogTab


End With

FormatBullet Points, Color, Alignment, Indent, Space, Hang, CharNum, Font With ListGalleries(wdBulletGallery).ListTemplates(1).ListLevels(1)

    .NumberFormat = ChrW(num)

    .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleBullet

    .NumberPosition = num

    .Alignment = WdListLevelAlignment

    .TextPosition = num

    .TabPosition = num

    With .Font

        .Size = num

        .Name = text

        .ColorIndex = WdColorIndex

    End With

End With

FormatBulletDefault, FormatBulletDefault() Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyBulletDefault


FormatBulletsAndNumbering Remove, Hang, Preset Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate ListTemplate:=ListGalleries(WdListGalleryType).ListTemplates(num)


FormatCallout Type, Gap, Angle, Drop, Length, Border, AutoAttach, Accent With ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).Callout

    .Type = MsoCalloutType

    .Gap = num

    .Angle = MsoCalloutAngleType

    .Drop = num

    .DropType = MsoCalloutDropType

    .Length = num

    .Border = MsoTriState

    .AutoAttach = MsoTriState

    .Accent = MsoTriState

End With

FormatChangeCase Selection.Range.Case = WdCharacterCase
FormatColumns Columns, ColumnWidth, ColumnSpacing, EvenlySpaced, ColLine With ActiveDocument.TextColumns

    .SetCount NumColumns:=num

    .Width = num

    .Spacing = num

    .EvenlySpaced = False

    .LineBetween = False

End With

FormatDefineStyleBorders ' Set properties of the Borders object

With ActiveDocument.Styles(name).Borders

    .Enable = True

    .Shadow = True

End With

FormatDefineStyleFont ' Set properties of the Font object

With ActiveDocument.Styles(name).Font

    .Bold = True

    .Name = "Arial"

End With

FormatDefineStyleFrame ' Set properties of the Frame object

With ActiveDocument.Styles(name).Frame

    .Width = num

    .VerticalPosition = num

End With

FormatDefineStyleLang ActiveDocument.Styles(name).LanguageID = WdLanguageID
FormatDefineStyleNumbers ' Set properties of the ListLevel object

With ActiveDocument.Styles(name). ListGalleries(WdListGalleryType).ListTemplates(num).ListLevels(num)

    .NumberFormat = "%1)"

    .TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab

    .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic

End With

FormatDefineStylePara ' Set properties of the ParagraphFormat object

With ActiveDocument.Styles(name).ParagraphFormat

    .SpaceAfter = num

    .RightIndent = num

End With

FormatDefineStyleTabs ' Set properties of the TabStops object

ActiveDocument.Styles(name).ParagraphFormat.TabStops(1).Leader = WdTabLeader

FormatDrawingObject Set properties of the Shape object.
FormatDropCap Position, Font, DropHeight, DistFromText With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).DropCap

    .Position = WdDropPosition

    .FontName = text

    .LinesToDrop = num

    .DistanceFromText = num

End With

FormatFont Points, Underline, Color, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, Shadow, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Outline, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic With Selection.Font

    .Size = num

    .Underline = True

    .ColorIndex = WdColorIndex

    .StrikeThrough = True

    .Superscript = num

    .Subscript = num

    .Shadow = True

    .Hidden = True

    .SmallCaps = True

    .AllCaps = True

    .Outline = True

    .Spacing = num

    .Position = num

    .Kerning = num


    .Font = name

    .Bold = True

    .Italic = True

End With

With Dialogs(wdDialogFormatFont)

    .DefaultTab = WdWordDialogTab


End With

FormatFrame Wrap, WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame With ActiveDocument.Frames(1)

    .TextWrap = True

    .WidthRule = WdFrameSizeRule

    .Width = num

    .Height = num  

    .HeightRule = WdFrameSizeRule

    .HorizontalPosition = num

    .RelativeHorizontalPosition = WdRelativeHorizontalPosition

    .HorizontalDistanceFromText = num

    .VerticalPosition = num

    .RelativeVerticalPosition = WdRelativeVerticalPosition

    .VerticalDistanceFromText = num

    .LockAnchor = True


End With

FormatHeaderFooterLink ActiveDocument.Sections(num).Headers(WdHeaderFooterIndex).LinkToPrevious = True

' or

ActiveDocument.Sections(num).Footers(WdHeaderFooterIndex).LinkToPrevious = True

FormatHeadingNumber With ListGalleries(WdListGalleryType).ListTemplates(num).ListLevels(num)

    ' Set properties of the ListLevel object and use the ApplyListTemplate method

End With

FormatHeadingNumbering ' Set properties of the ListLevel object and use the ApplyListTemplate method

Set atemp = ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery).ListTemplates(num)

With atemp.ListLevels(1)

    .NumberFormat = "Chapter %1"

    .TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone

    .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic

End With

Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate ListTemplate:=atemp

FormatMultilevel ' Set properties of the ListLevel object and use the ApplyListTemplate method

Set atemp = ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery).ListTemplates(num)

atemp.ListLevels(1).NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseLetter

Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate ListTemplate:=atemp

FormatNumber ' Set properties of the ListLevel object and use the ApplyListTemplate method

Set atemp = ListGalleries(wdNumberGallery).ListTemplates(num)

With atemp.ListLevels(1)

    .NumberFormat = "%1."

    .TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab

    .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic

End With

Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate ListTemplate:=atemp

FormatNumberDefault, FormatNumberDefault() Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyNumberDefault


FormatPageNumber ChapterNumber, NumRestart, NumFormat, StartingNum, Level, Separator With Section.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).PageNumbers

    .IncludeChapterNumber = True

    .RestartNumberingAtSection = True

    .NumberStyle = WdPageNumberStyle

    .StartingNumber = num

    .HeadingLevelForChapter = num

    .ChapterPageSeparator = WdSeparatorType

End With

FormatParagraph LeftIndent, RightIndent, Before, After, LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, Alignment, WidowControl, KeepWithNext, KeepTogether, PageBreak, NoLineNum, DontHyphen, Tab, FirstIndent With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1)

    .LeftIndent = num

    .RightIndent = num

    .SpaceBefore = num

    .SpaceAfter = num

    .LineSpacingRule = WdLineSpacing

    .LineSpacing = num

    .Alignment = WdParagraphAlignment

    .WidowControl = True

    .KeepWithNext = True

    .KeepTogether = True

    .PageBreakBefore = True

    .NoLineNumber = True

    .Hyphenation = True

    .FirstLineIndent = num

End With

With Dialogs(wdDialogFormatParagraph)

    .DefaultTab = WdWordDialogTab


End With

FormatPicture SetSize, CropLeft, CropRight, CropTop, CropBottom, ScaleX, ScaleY, SizeX, SizeY With ActiveDoucment.InlineShapes(1)

    .Width = num

    .Height = num

    .ScaleHeight = num

    .ScaleWidth = num

    With .PictureFormat

        .CropBottom = num

        .CropLeft = num

        .CropRight = num

        .CropTop = num

    End With

End With

FormatRetAddrFonts ' Set properties of the Font object

With ActiveDocument.Envelope.ReturnAddress.Font

    .Size = num

    .ColorIndex = WdColorIndex

    .Bold = True

End With

FormatSectionLayout SectionStart, VertAlign, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode With ActiveDocument.PageSetup

    .VerticalAlignment = WdVerticalAlignment

    .SectionStart = WdSectionStart

    .SuppressEndnotes = True

    With LineNumbering

        .Active =True

        .StartingNumber = num

        .DistanceFromText = num

        .CountBy = num

        .RestartMode = WdNumberingRule

    End With

End With

FormatStyle Name, Delete, Merge, NewName, BasedOn, NextStyle, Type, FileName, Source, AddToTemplate, Define, Rename, Apply With ActiveDocument.Styles(name)


    .NameLocal = name

    .BaseStyle = text

    .NextParagraphStyle = style

    x = .Type

End With


With ActiveDocument



End With


Selection.Style = name

FormatStyleGallery ActiveDocument.CopyStylesFromTemplate
FormatTabs Position, DefTabs, Align, Leader, Set, Clear, ClearAll With Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops


    .Add Position:=num, Alignment:= WdTabAlignment, Leader:= WdTabLeader


End With


FormFieldOptions Entry, Exit, Name, Enable, TextType, TextWidth, TextDefault, TextFormat, CheckSize, CheckWidth, CheckDefault, Type, OwnHelp, HelpText, OwnStat, StatText With ActiveDocument.FormFields(1)

    .EntryMacro = text

    .ExitMacro = text

    .Name = text

    .Enabled = True

    .OwnHelp = True

    .HelpText = text

    .OwnStatus = True

    .StatusText = text

    .Type = WdFieldType

End With

With ActiveDocument.FormFields(1).TextInput

    .Width = num

    .Default = text


End With

With ActiveDocument.FormFields(1).CheckBox

    .Size = num

    .AutoSize = True

    .Default = True

End With

FormShading ActiveDocument.FormFields.Shaded = True
FoundFileName$() Application.FileSearch.FoundFiles (num)
Function...End Function Function…End Function