TargetArgs property

TargetArgs property

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See also         Example         Applies to

Gets or sets the arguments to be sent to the target of an event.

Version added



          strRet = object.TargetArgs
          object.TargetArgs = stringExpression


String. The current arguments.


Required. An expression that returns an Event object.


Required String. The new arguments to set.


An event consists of an event-action pair. When the event occurs, the action is performed. An event also specifies the target of the action and arguments to send to the target.

When you use visActCodeRunAddon, the TargetArgs property contains the arguments to send to the add-on when it is run.

When you use visActCodeAdvise, the TargetArgs property contains the string specified with the AddAdvise method when the Event object was created. When the program receives notification of the event, it can get the Event object and its TargetArgs property to obtain the string.