StencilPaths property

StencilPaths property

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See also         Example         Applies to

Gets or sets the paths where Microsoft Visio looks for stencils.

Version added



          strRet = object.StencilPaths
          .StencilPaths = pathsStr


String. A text string containing a list of folders.


Required. An expression that returns an Application object.


Required String. A text string containing a list of folders. Use semicolons to separate individual folders in the path string.


The string passed to and received from the StencilPaths property is the same string shown on the File Paths tab in the Options dialog box (click Options on the Tools menu, and then click File Paths).

When the Visio application looks for stencils, it looks in all paths named in the StencilPaths property and all the subfolders of those paths. If you pass the StencilPaths property to the EnumDirectories method, it returns a complete list of fully qualified paths in which the Visio application looks.

If a path is not fully qualified, the Visio application looks for the folder in the folder that contains the Visio program files (appObj.Path). For example, if the Visio executable file is installed in c:\Visio, and the StencilPaths property is "Stencils;d:\Stencils", Visio looks for stencils in both c:\Visio\Stencils and d:\Stencils.