CheckIn method

CheckIn method

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See also         Example         Applies to

Returns a document from a local computer to a Microsoft SharePoint Portal server.

Version added

2002 SR-1




Required. An expression that returns a Document object.


Optional Boolean. True (non-zero) to save document changes before check-in; False (0) to check the document in without saving changes. The default is True.


Optional Variant. Any comments to be stored with this revision of the document (applies only if saveChanges equals True).


Optional Boolean; True to publish the document after check-in. This submits the document for the approval process or, if there is no approval routing for the document, a public version is created that is available to readers of the folder (applies only if saveChanges equals True); False leaves the document available only for private viewing. The default is False.


After the document has been checked in using the CheckIn method, the document is closed. This behavior is different from the user interface; when you check in a document in the user interface, the document is closed and re-opened as read-only.

To use the CheckIn method, files must be stored in enhanced folders on a Microsoft SharePoint Portal server.


This example checks the server to see if the specified document can be checked in. If it can, this example saves and closes the document, and then checks it back into the server.

  Sub CheckDocIn(docCheckIn As Variant)
  If Documents.Item(docCheckIn).CanCheckin = True Then
          MsgBox docCheckIn & " has been checked in."
          MsgBox "This file cannot be checked in " _ 
              & "at this time. Please try again later."
  End If
  End Sub

To call the preceding CheckDocIn subroutine, use the following subroutine and replace the "http://servername/workspace/drawing.vdx" file name with an actual file located in an enhanced folder on a Microsoft SharePoint Portal server.

  Sub DocIn()
  Call CheckDocIn _ 
  End Sub