Smart Tag Enterprise Resource Kit

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.


Microsoft Corporation

January 2002

Download Sterk.exe.

Developing a solid and efficient smart tag for a large enterprise requires special considerations in the planning, implementation, and deployment of smart tags. These articles address many of the issues that need to be taken into consideration when building an enterprise smart tag.

Planning Smart Tags with Enterprise Applications discusses the types of information that can be recognized, the size of the list of items to be recognized, and refresh intervals for dynamic data versus static lists.

Implementing Smart Tags with Enterprise Applications discusses how to deal with security and performance issues, as well as the access to data sources within a smart tag.

Deploying Smart Tags with Enterprise Applications provides guidelines on many of the initial deployment options, best management practices, how to provide a mechanism for updating smart tags on the client.