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Building a Real-Time Data Server in Excel 2002

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Paul Cornell
Microsoft Corporation

July 2001

Applies to:
     Microsoft® Excel 2002

Summary: This article shows you how to build a real-time data server in Microsoft Excel 2002.

Download Odc_xlrtdbuild.exe.


Introduction The Now & Today RTD Server Under the Hood Security Syntax Solution: Wide World Importers Price List Exploring the Solution Summary


Microsoft Excel 2002 now provides you with a new way to view and update data in real time. This real-time data (RTD) feature is great for working with constantly-changing data such as stock quotes, currency exchange rates, inventory levels, price quotes, weather information, sports scores, and so on.

In the past, developers have had to rely on technologies such as Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to access real-time data sources. DDE has a different function format from standard Excel functions and wasn't designed for getting real-time data into Excel in a robust and high-performance way. The RTD feature overcomes these issues.

In this article, I explain how you can develop RTD solutions, and I provide you with a fully-functioning RTD example, complete with source code available as a download that accompanies this article.

Before we begin, you should be familiar with the notion of a real-time data source, an RTD server, and a topic.

  • A real-time data source can be any source of data that can be accessed programmatically. Some examples of common real-time data sources are Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server databases, and XML data files.
  • An RTD server is a Component Object Model (COM) Automation server that implements the IRtdServer interface. Excel uses the RTD server to communicate with a real-time data source.
  • A topic is a string (or a set of strings) that uniquely identifies a piece of data that resides in a real-time data source. A topic may exist by itself or it may reside in a hierarchy of leaves. For example, a topic could be as simple as "MSFT" or "Address", but could also be more complex, such as "MSFT", "BID_PRICE" or "Employee", "SSN", "Address". A good analogy is to think of a topic as a file name, with these files residing in folders. So the "BID_PRICE" file would reside in the "MSFT" folder, and the "Address" file would reside in the "SSN" subfolder, which in turn would reside in the "Employee" folder. The RTD server passes the topic to the real-time data source and receives the value of the topic from the real-time data source; the RTD server then passes the value of the topic to Excel for display. For example, the RTD server passes the topic "MSFT" to the real-time data source, and the RTD server receives the topic's value of "$72.12" from the real-time data source. The RTD server then passes the topic's value to Excel for display.

The Now & Today RTD Server

You can try out a simple RTD server called the Now & Today RTD server that is available in the sample download that accompanies this article. To try out the Now & Today RTD server:

  1. Locate the file RTDTime.dll in the sample download.

  2. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open list, type regsvr32.exe "C:\Path-to-RTD-Server\RTDTime.dll", where Path-to-RTD-Server is the path to the RTDTime.dll file on your local computer.



    On computers running Microsoft Windows® 98 or later, regsvr32.exe is located in the System folder. On computers running Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 or later, regsvr32.exe is located in the System32 folder.

  3. Start a new, blank Excel workbook and type the following function into cell A1: =RTD("RTDTime.RTD",,"Now")

  4. Right-click cell A1 and click Format Cells.

  5. On the Number tab, in the Category list, click Time. In the Type list, click the entry that looks similar to 1:30:55 PM, and then click OK. The time should automatically update every few seconds.

If you see the value #N/A in cell A1, make sure that you've successfully registered the RTDTime DLL on your computer, that you've typed the RTD function exactly as shown in step 3 above, and that your security level is not set to High (see the Security section below for more information).

Under the Hood

So how does the interaction occur between Excel, the RTD server, and the real-time data source?

On an Excel worksheet, a user types the RTD function into a cell, specifying the name of the RTD server, the computer on which the RTD server is running, and the topic name.

When the RTD function is called, Excel instantiates the RTD server (a COM Automation server that implements the IRtdServer interface) on the specified server by calling the RTD server's ServerStart method.

Next, the ConnectData method tells the real-time data source that Excel is "connected" to the specific topic, and Excel retrieves the topic's initial value.

When the real-time data source updates a topic, Excel uses an IRTDUpdateEvent callback object's UpdateNotify method to notify the RTD server that new data is available (the IRTDUpdateEvent callback object is instantiated by the RTD server as a liaison between itself and the real-time data source). After the throttle interval has expired (the default is two seconds, but can be changed through the RTD object's ThrottleInterval property in Excel), Excel calls the RefreshData method to get the new value for the specified topic.

When the topic is no longer needed (for example, the user removes the reference to the topic from the worksheet), Excel calls the DisconnectData method to remove the topic from its list of topics that it is monitoring.

When the RTD server is no longer needed (for example, the user quits Excel), Excel calls the ServerTerminate method, and then the RTD server terminates itself.


One of the most common initial problems you encounter when you are using the RTD function in Excel is a problem with your security setting.

  • If you have your security level in Excel set to High (the default setting), then no RTD servers will be available unless they are digitally signed and trusted. If the security level is set to High, then all you see is #N/A in cells that use the RTD function, and Excel provides no additional explanation as to why the RTD functions aren't working.
  • If you set your security level in Excel to Medium, Excel asks you if you want to run any RTD servers that are not digitally signed and trusted and that are referenced by RTD functions.
  • If you set your security level to Low, then all RTD servers run, regardless of whether they are digitally signed and trusted. Of course, setting your security level to Low presents a considerable security risk.

To view or change your security level in Excel, on the Tools menu, point to Macro, click Security, and click the Security Level tab.


The syntax for the Excel RTD worksheet function is:

=RTD(ProgID, Server, String1, String2, ... String28)
  • The ProgID parameter is a required String value representing the programmatic ID (ProgID) of the RTD server.

  • The Server parameter is a required String value representing the name of the computer on your intranet (using Distributed COM (DCOM)) on which the RTD server is running. If the RTD server is running on the local computer, leave this parameter blank or use two quotation marks ("").



    When you use the RTD method of the WorksheetFunction object, you cannot leave the Server parameter blank; you must use two quotation marks to represent the local computer.

  • The String1 through String28 parameters represent topics to be sent to the RTD server. Only the String1 parameter is required; the String2 through String28 parameters are optional. There is a limit of 28 parameters, and in most cases, only the String1 parameter is used. The actual values for the String1 through String28 parameters depend on the requirements of the real-time data server.

No RTD servers are shipped with Microsoft Office XP. If you haven't installed any real-time data servers or you use the wrong syntax for the RTD function, you get the error message #NAME? or #N/A in any cell that references the RTD function.

As stated in the Introduction, in order for the Excel RTD function to use the RTD server, the RTD server must implement the IRtdServer interface. The members of the IRtdServer interface are described in the following table:

IRtdServer interface method Description
ConnectData(TopicID, Strings, GetNewValues) This method is called whenever Excel requests new topics from the RTD server. The TopicID parameter is a required Long value that represents a unique, arbitrary value automatically assigned by Excel (for example, "34") that identifies the topic.

The Strings parameter is a required array of one or more Variant values that the user enters into the RTD function to uniquely identify the topic. This Variant array should always be an array of String values.

The GetNewValues parameter is a required Boolean value; True if new values are to be retrieved. Leave the GetNewValues parameter alone if you want Excel to use the previous value that it had saved with the Excel spreadsheet.

DisconnectData(TopicID) This method is called whenever Excel no longer requires a specific topic.

The TopicID parameter is a required Long value that represents the arbitrary, unique value automatically assigned by Excel in the ConnectData method that identifies the topic.

Heartbeat If the RTD server is no longer able to process RefreshData method calls, the Heartbeat method enables Excel to pop up a dialog box that says "The real-time data server 'XYZ' is not responding. Would you like Microsoft Excel to attempt to restart the server?"

This method returns a Long value; a value of 1 indicates that the real-time data server connection still exists, and a value of zero (0) or a negative value indicates that the real-time data server connection no longer exists.

RefreshData(TopicCount) After a call from the IRTDUpdateEvent callback object's UpdateNotify method, this method is called by Excel to pull new values from the real-time data server (also known as a topic refresh).

This method returns a two-dimensional array of Variant values. The first dimension represents a list of topic IDs; these topic IDs map to the TopicID parameter in the ConnectData method above. This is how Excel associates topics with data.

The second dimension represents the values associated with the topic IDs.

The TopicCount parameter is a required Long value that the RTD server provides; it represents the number of elements returned in the array of Variant values.

ServerStart(CallbackObject) This method is called when Excel requests the first topic from the real-time data server.

This method returns a Long value; a value of 1 indicates a successful request, and a value of zero (0) or a negative value indicates a failed request.

This method call is immediately followed by a call to the ConnectData method.

The CallbackObject parameter is a required IRTDUpdateEvent callback object that the RTD server uses to notify Excel when it should gather updates from the RTD server through the IRTDUpdateEvent callback object's UpdateNotify method.

ServerTerminate This method is called when Excel no longer requires topics from the RTD server (for example, the user quits Excel).

The members of the IRTDUpdateEvent callback object are described in the following table:

IRTDUpdateEvent callback object member Description
HeartbeatInterval property This property returns or sets the time interval between RTD server updates.

This property returns a Long value that represents the number of milliseconds between RTD server updates; this property cannot be set below the default of 15,000 milliseconds, because of the standard 15-second RTD server timeout.

Disconnect method This method tells Excel that the real-time data source will be disconnecting from the RTD server. Excel can use this method to take some type of action before it loses its RTD connection.
UpdateNotify method This method is called by the RTD server when it has a new value for one or more topics.

You can use development tools such as Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0 Professional or Enterprise Edition to create an RTD server. You cannot create an RTD server by using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) development environment in Excel, nor can you create an RTD server by using the COM Add-In Designer that is included with Microsoft Office XP Developer.

Let's build on what you've learned so far by creating an RTD server.

Solution: Wide World Importers Price List

This RTD solution is based on a fictitious company named Wide World Importers. Wide World Importers imports and sells fine furniture from around the world. Their merchandise sales prices change rapidly as foreign currencies change and foreign goods are imported into their Seattle warehouse. In this example, we will create an RTD server that updates the prices of Wide World Importers' price list every five seconds. For this example, pretend that this price list takes the form of an XML file that is generated from an XML-compliant database server (such as Microsoft SQL Server 2000). You could easily modify the solution to connect directly to a SQL Server or Microsoft Access database.

To create the RTD server:

  1. Start Visual Basic 6.0 Professional or Enterprise Edition on your local computer where Excel 2002 and the MSXML 3.0 parser are installed (alternatively, you can skip down to step 14 to bypass entering all of the code).

  2. In the New Project dialog box, click the ActiveX DLL icon, and then click OK.

  3. In the Properties window, change the (Name) property of Class1 to XMLRTD.

  4. On the Project menu, click References. Check the Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library box and the Microsoft XML, v3.0 box, and then click OK.

  5. In the Code window for the XMLRTD class, type the following:

    Option Explicit
    Implements Excel.IRtdServer
    Private mcolTopics As Collection    
    Private Const SUCCESS = 1
    Private Function IRtdServer_ConnectData(ByVal TopicID As Long, _
            Strings() As Variant, GetNewValues As Boolean) _
            As Variant
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim objTopic As New CTopic 
        mcolTopics.Add Item:=objTopic, Key:=CStr(TopicID)
        objTopic.TopicID = TopicID
        objTopic.TopicString = Strings(0)
        gobjXMLDoc.Load xmlSource:=XML_FILE_PATH
        Set gobjXMLNode = gobjXMLDoc.selectSingleNode _
            (ROOT_NODE & LCase(Strings(0)))
        objTopic.TopicValue = gobjXMLNode.Text
        IRtdServer_ConnectData = objTopic.TopicValue
    End Function
    Private Sub IRtdServer_DisconnectData _
            (ByVal TopicID As Long)
        mcolTopics.Remove Index:=CStr(TopicID)
    End Sub
    Private Function IRtdServer_Heartbeat() As Long
        IRtdServer_Heartbeat = SUCCESS
    End Function
    Private Function IRtdServer_RefreshData _
            (TopicCount As Long) As Variant()
        Dim objTopic As CTopic
        Dim intArrayCounter As Integer
        ReDim avarUpdates(0 To 1, 0 To mcolTopics.Count - 1) As Variant
        For Each objTopic In mcolTopics
            avarUpdates(0, intArrayCounter) = objTopic.TopicID
            avarUpdates(1, intArrayCounter) = objTopic.TopicValue
            intArrayCounter = intArrayCounter + 1
        Next objTopic
        TopicCount = mcolTopics.Count
        IRtdServer_RefreshData = avarUpdates
    End Function
    Private Function IRtdServer_ServerStart _
            (ByVal CallbackObject As Excel.IRTDUpdateEvent) _
            As Long
        Set gobjCallback = CallbackObject
        Set mcolTopics = New Collection
        Set gobjXMLDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument30
        glngTimerID = SetTimer(hWnd:=0, nIDEvent:=0, _
            uElapse:=TIMER_INTERVAL, lpTimerFunc:=AddressOf TimerCallback)
        If glngTimerID > 0 Then IRtdServer_ServerStart = SUCCESS
    End Function
    Private Sub IRtdServer_ServerTerminate()
        Dim objTopic As CTopic
        For Each objTopic In mcolTopics
            mcolTopics.Remove Index:=CStr(objTopic.TopicID)
        Next objTopic
        Set objTopic = Nothing
        Call KillTimer(hWnd:=0, nIDEvent:=glngTimerID)
    End Sub
  6. On the Project menu, click Add Class Module and click OK.

  7. In the Properties window, change the (Name) property of Class1 to CTopic.

  8. In the Code window for the CTopic class, type the following:

    Option Explicit
    Private mlngTopicID As Long
    Private mstrTopicString As String
    Private mvarValue As Variant
    Friend Property Let TopicID(lngID As Long)
        mlngTopicID = lngID
    End Property
    Friend Property Get TopicID() As Long
        TopicID = mlngTopicID
    End Property
    Friend Property Let TopicString(strTopic As String)
        strTopic = LCase(strTopic)
        mstrTopicString = strTopic
    End Property
    Friend Sub Update()
        On Error Resume Next
        gobjXMLDoc.Load xmlSource:=XML_FILE_PATH
        Set gobjXMLNode = gobjXMLDoc.selectSingleNode(queryString:=ROOT_NODE & mstrTopicString)
        mvarValue = gobjXMLNode.Text
    End Sub
    Friend Property Get TopicValue() As Variant
        TopicValue = mvarValue
    End Property
    Friend Property Let TopicValue(strTopicValue As Variant)
        mvarValue = strTopicValue
    End Property
  9. On the Project menu, click Add Module.

  10. In the Properties window, change the (Name) property of Module1 to modGlobals.

  11. In the Code window for the modGlobals module, type the following:

    Option Explicit
    Public gobjXMLDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument30
    Public gobjXMLNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
    Public gobjCallback As Excel.IRTDUpdateEvent
    Public Const XML_FILE_PATH As String = "C:\Program Files\RTD Server\RTDXML.xml"
    Public Const ROOT_NODE As String = "//prices/"
    Public Const TIMER_INTERVAL = 5000
    Public glngTimerID As Long
    Public Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
        ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, _
        ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
        ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long
    Public Sub TimerCallback(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
        ByVal idEvent As Long, ByVal dwTime As Long)
    End Sub
  12. Save the project as WideWorldRTD.vbp.

  13. On the File menu, click Make WideWorldRTD.dll.

  14. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open list, type regsvr32.exe "C:\Path-to-RTD-Server\WideWorldRTD.dll", where Path-to-RTD-Server is the path to the WideWorldRTD.dll file on your local computer. (If you skipped to this step from step 1 above, locate the WideWorldRTD.dll file included with the sample download that accompanies this article.)

To set up the real-time data source:

Open Notepad, type the following code into a text file (or use the file RTDXML.xml in the sample download that accompanies this article), and save the text file on your local computer in the path C:\Program Files\RTD Server\RTDXML.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

To set up Excel 2002 to display real-time data:

Start a new, blank Excel workbook and enter the following values:

Cell Value
A1 =RTD("WideWorldRTD.XMLRTD",,"chair")
A2 =RTD("WideWorldRTD.XMLRTD",,"lamp")
A3 =RTD("WideWorldRTD.XMLRTD",,"table")

To make updates to the real-time data:

  1. Using Notepad, open the RTDXML.xml file located in the C:\Program Files\RTD Server\ folder.

  2. Change the values of the <chair>, <lamp>, or <table> tags, and save the RTDXML.xml file.

  3. Within five seconds, these values will automatically overwrite the existing values in the Excel spreadsheet.



    This action may take longer than 5 seconds depending on the value of the RTD object's ThrottleInterval property in Excel.

Exploring the Solution

Here's how the solution works:

  1. When the user enters the first RTD function call (=RTD("WideWorldRTD.XMLRTD",,"chair")) into cell A1, Excel makes a call to the ServerStart method in the WideWorldRTD DLL. In the ServerStart method, the RTD server sets up the IRTDUpdateEvent callback object to receive update events from the XML data file, gets ready to connect to the XML data file, and initializes the five-second update timer.
  2. Next, Excel uses the ConnectData method to add the "chair" topic to the collection of topics currently being monitored. Excel assigns the "chair" topic an arbitrary, unique value (for example, "7") that Excel uses as a identifier to get and update the topic's value (because there could be several instances of the "chair" topic in one or more cells in one or more workbooks on the user's computer). Then Excel gets the initial value of the <chair> tag in the XML file. Finally, Excel stores the topic ID of "7", the topic string of "chair", and the topic value of "$29.95" in the collection of topics currently being monitored.
  3. Every five seconds, the Windows API function SetTimer calls the custom TimerCallback method. The TimerCallback method sends a message to the IRTDUpdateEvent callback object's UpdateNotify method to check the data in the XML file for updates. If there are updates, Excel eventually calls the RefreshData method to get new topic data values. (The TimerCallback method could be optimized more by only calling the UpdateNotify method when a change is made to the XML file, rather than calling the UpdateNotify method every five seconds.)
  4. The RefreshData method prepares a two-dimensional array of topic IDs and topic values that correspond to these topic IDs that were assigned by Excel in the ConnectData method. The RefreshData method then queries the XML file again for updated data values and uses the two-dimensional array to write the new data values to the topic in the collection of topics being monitored. For instance, if the "chair" topic value changed to "$39.95", the RefreshData method would overwrite the value of "$29.95" that was originally captured in the ConnectData method (or a previous RefreshData method call).
  5. If the topic is no longer needed (for example, the user deletes the RTD function call from cell A1), the DisconnectData method removes the topic from the collection of topics being monitored.
  6. If the connection to the real-time data source is no longer needed (for example, the user quits all running instances of Excel), the ServerTerminate method removes the entire collection of topics being monitored and stops the five-second update timer.


Microsoft Excel 2002 now provides you with a new way to view and update constantly changing data in real time. Using the Office development skills you already know, you can build solutions that let Excel interact with real-time data sources. In this article, you learned how to develop, deploy, and use RTD solutions in Excel.



The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.