6 Appendix A: Product Behavior

The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to product versions include updates to those products.

This document specifies version-specific details in the Microsoft .NET Framework. For information about which versions of .NET Framework are available in each released Windows product or as supplemental software, see [MS-NETOD] section 4.

The terms "earlier" and "later", when used with a product version, refer to either all preceding versions or all subsequent versions, respectively. The term "through" refers to the inclusive range of versions. Applicable Microsoft products are listed chronologically in this section.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8

Exceptions, if any, are noted in this section. If an update version, service pack or Knowledge Base (KB) number appears with a product name, the behavior changed in that update. The new behavior also applies to subsequent updates unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.

Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms "SHOULD" or "SHOULD NOT" implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term "MAY" implies that the product does not follow the prescription.

<1> Section 1.3: The Windows implementation of this protocol is exercised through the use of the following Windows Communication Framework bindings [MSDN-WCF].

  1. NetTcpBinding [MSDN-NETTcp] - If the TransferMode property on the binding is set to Buffered, the mode is set to Duplex. Otherwise, the mode is set to Singleton Unsized. If the Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType property on the binding is set to Certificate, the "SSL/TLS" upgrade protocol is used. Otherwise, if it is set to Windows, the "Negotiate" upgrade protocol is used.

  2. NetNamedPipeBinding [MSDN-NETNamedPipe] - If the TransferMode property on the binding is set to Buffered, the mode is set to Duplex. Otherwise, the mode is set to Singleton Unsized. If the Security.Mode property on the binding is set to Transport, the "Negotiate" upgrade protocol is used.

  3. NetMsmqBinding [MSDN-NETMsmq] - If a TransactionScope is being used, the mode is set to Simplex. Otherwise, the mode is set to Singleton Sized. If the Security.Transport.MsmqAuthenticationMode property on the binding is set to Certificate, the "SSL/TLS" upgrade protocol is used. Otherwise, if it is set to WindowsDomain, the "Negotiate" upgrade protocol is used.

The Windows implementation of this protocol is also exercised through a custom Windows Communication Framework binding that uses the TcpTransportBindingElement [MSDN-NETTcpBE] or the NamedPipeTransportBindingElement [MSDN-NETNamedPipeBE], or the MsmqTransportBindingElement [MSDN-NETMsmqBE].

The Windows implementation of this protocol is also exercised through the use of the following Windows Web Services API channel binding [MSDN-WSCHBIND]:

  1. WS_TCP_CHANNEL_BINDING - If channel binding is set to WS_TCP_CHANNEL_BINDING, the mode is always set to Duplex. If channel security binding [MSDN-WSSECBIND] is set to WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING [MSDN-WSTCPSSPI], the "Negotiate" upgrade protocol is used.

<2> Section 2.2.2: The Windows implementation of the protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Foundation will not allow record sizes larger than 0x7fffffff octets.

<3> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Foundation does not validate the value of the minor version when the value of the major version is 0x01.

<4> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API supports all the known encoding schemes.

<5> Section The .NET Framework 4.5 and later implementations of this protocol that are exercised by Windows Communication Foundation use the Extensible Encoding Record to indicate the MIME content type for binary message encoding compression (see [MSDN-BinaryMsgEncdngBindElmnt]).

<6> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework supports only the SSL/TLS and Negotiate upgrade protocols.

The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Web Services API supports only the Negotiate upgrade protocol.

<7> Section 2.2.5: The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework supports the following set of faults: ContentTypeInvalid, ContentTypeTooLong, ConnectionDispatchFailed, EndpointNotFound, EndpointUnavailable, MaxMessageSizeExceededFault, ServerTooBusy, ServiceActivationFailed, UnsupportedMode, UnsupportedVersion, UpgradeInvalid, and ViaTooLong.

The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Web Services API supports the following set of faults: ContentTypeInvalid, EndpointNotFound, MaxMessageSizeExceededFault, UnsupportedMode, and UpgradeInvalid.

<8> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API does not send a Fault Record if the size of a variable-sized record is 0.

<9> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework sends a Fault Record (UnsupportedVersion) if an incorrect version is specified in the received Version Record.

The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Web Services API does not send a Fault Record if an incorrect version is specified in the received Version Record.

<10> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API sends a Fault Record (UnsupportedMode) if an incorrect mode is specified in the received Mode Record.

<11> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API defines a MaxViaSize of 2,048 bytes.

<12> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API does not send a Fault Record if the size of Via in the received Via Record exceeds MaxViaSize.

<13> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API sends a Fault Record (EndpointNotFound) if the endpoint cannot be located for the specified Via in the received Via Record.

The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework sends a Via with a scheme component that is equal to "net.tcp" if exercised with NetTcpBinding (see [MSDN-NETTcp]) or TcpTransportBindingElement (see [MSDN-NETTcpBE]); and a Via with a scheme component that is equal to "net.msmq" if exercised with NetMsmqBinding (see [MSDN-NETMsmq]) or MsmqTransportBindingElement (see [MSDN-NETMsmqBE]).

A Via that has a scheme equal to "net.tcp" or "net.msmq" uses the following constructions: the URI reference is absolute, the URI contains a hierarchical part, the hierarchical part contains a network path, the authority is a server, and the server does not include user information.

The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Web Services API sends a Via with a scheme component equal to "net.tcp" if exercised with WS_TCP_CHANNEL_BINDING [MSDN-WSCHBIND]. A Via with a scheme equal to "net.tcp" uses the following constructions: the URI reference is absolute, the URI contains a hierarchical part, the hierarchical part contains a network path, the authority is a server, and the server does not include user information.

 The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API supports attempting to locate an endpoint for a specified Via with a scheme component that is equal to "net.tcp" when the transport session (as described in section 1.5) that is carrying the protocol stream is a TCP connection (as defined in [RFC793]) whose destination address is equal to the authority of the Via; however, an authority that does not designate a port is equivalent to an authority that uses port 808.

 The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework supports attempting to locate an endpoint for a specified Via with a scheme component equal to "net.msmq" when the initiator is Microsoft Message Queuing, as specified in [MS-MQMQ], whose queue path name computer is equal to the authority of the Via and the remainder of whose queue path name is equal to the absolute path of the Via, except that the first path segment in the Via of a private queue is "private" rather than "private$".

<14> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API defines a MaxContentTypeSize of 256 bytes.

<15> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API does not send a Fault Record if the size of the extensible encoding in the received Extensible Encoding Record exceeds MaxContentTypeSize.

<16> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API sends a Fault Record (ContentTypeInvalid) if an unsupported content type is specified in the received Encoding Record.

<17> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API defines a MaxUpgradeProtocolSize of 256 bytes.

<18> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API does not send a Fault Record if the size of an upgrade protocol name in the received Upgrade Request Record exceeds MaxUpgradeProtocolSize.

<19> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API sends a Fault Record (UpgradeInvalid) if an unsupported upgrade protocol name is specified in an Upgrade Request Record.

<20> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services uses a MaxEnvelopeSize as configured externally.

<21> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by both Windows Communication Framework and Windows Web Services API sends a Fault Record (MaxMessageSizeExceededFault) if the size of the received Sized Envelope Record exceeds MaxEnvelopeSize but is not greater than 0xffffffff. No Fault Record is sent if the size of the received Sized Envelope Record exceeds 0xffffffff.

<22> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework defines a MaxChunkSize of 0xfffffffa.

<23> Section The Windows implementation of this protocol that is exercised by Windows Communication Framework does not send a Fault Record if the size of a chunk in the received Unsized Envelope Record exceeds MaxChunkSize.