3.20 IUpdate, IUpdate2, IUpdate3, IUpdate4, IUpdate5, IWindowsDriverUpdate, IWindowsDriverUpdate2, IWindowsDriverUpdate3, IWindowsDriverUpdate4, and IWindowsDriverUpdate5 Server Details

The IUpdate interface derives from the IDispatch interface and is an immutable representation of an update. This interface defines methods that return read-only properties of an update.

The IUpdate2 interface derives from the IUpdate interface and provides additional read-only data about an update.

The IUpdate3 interface derives from the IUpdate2 interface and provides additional read-only data about an update.

The IUpdate4 interface derives from the IUpdate3 interface and provides additional read-only data about an update.

The IUpdate5 interface derives from the IUpdate4 interface and provides additional read-only data about an update.

The IWindowsDriverUpdate interface derives from the IUpdate interface and represents a driver.

The IWindowsDriverUpdate2 interface derives from the IWindowsDriverUpdate interface and provides additional read-only data about a driver.

The IWindowsDriverUpdate3 interface derives from the IWindowsDriverUpdate2 interface and provides additional read-only data about a driver.

The IWindowsDriverUpdate4 interface derives from the IWindowsDriverUpdate3 interface and provides additional read-only data about a driver.

The IWindowsDriverUpdate5 interface derives from the IWindowsDriverUpdate4 interface and provides additional read-only data about a driver.

If the update is not a driver, the server MUST return an error when the IUnknown::QueryInterface method is called to query for the IWindowsDriverUpdate interface, the IWindowsDriverUpdate2 interface, the IWindowsDriverUpdate3 interface, the IWindowsDriverUpdate4 interface, or the IWindowsDriverUpdate5 interface.