Classification Model

The server maintains the following lists of persisted objects for the classification model. Each list contains objects of a specific type that are currently present and configured on the server.

List of Persisted Property Definitions: This is a volatile list of all the Persisted Property Definitions (section configured on the server. The server maintains only one List of Persisted Property Definitions.

List of Persisted Module Definitions: This is a volatile list of all the Persisted Module Definitions (section configured on the server. The server maintains only one List of Persisted Module Definitions.

List of Persisted Rules: This is a volatile list of all the Persisted Rules (section configured on the server. The server maintains only one List of Persisted Rules.

The server maintains the following lists of non-persisted objects for the classification model. Lists of non-persisted objects contain copies of the objects from the lists of persisted objects. The non-persisted objects are used by clients to make changes that are propagated to the lists of persisted objects when the client commits the non-persisted objects.

List of Non-Persisted Property Definition Instances: This is a volatile list of all the Non-Persisted Property Definition Instances (section configured on the server. The server maintains zero or more List of Non-Persisted Property Definition Instances.

List of Non-Persisted Module Definition Instances: This is a volatile list of all the Non-Persisted Module Definition Instances (section configured on the server. The server maintains zero or more List of Non-Persisted Module Definition Instances.

List of Non-Persisted Rule Instances: This is a volatile list of all the Non-Persisted Rule Instances (section configured on the server. The server maintains zero or more List of Non-Persisted Rule Instances.

The server also maintains the following list of property definition instances.

List of Property Definition Instances: This is a volatile list of Property Definition Instances (section created from name/value pairs for an individual file returned from storage modules and classification modules. The server maintains zero or more List of Property Definition Instances.

The server also maintains the following queue of Running Jobs for the classification model.

Classification Job Queue: This is a volatile queue containing zero or one Running Jobs (section that correspond to the Classification Job (section that has been requested to run. The times the job runs - immediately or at a later time - are managed by the server. The server maintains only one Classification Job Queue and MUST NOT allow more than one Running Job in the Classification Job Queue