2.1.3 Global Identification Table

A global identification table is an optimization mechanism for compacting a set of ExtendedGUID structures (section 2.2.1). Each unique ExtendedGUID.guid field in the set is added to the global identification table with a unique index. CompactID structures (section 2.2.2) are used after that to represent the ExtendedGUID structure by retrieving the value of the ExtendedGUID.guid field from the table.

The global identification table MUST have the structure described in the following table.

File format

Valid structure


  • A FileNode structure (section 2.4.3) with a FileNodeID field value equal to 0x022 (GlobalIdTableStart2FND structure, section 2.4.3).

  • Zero or more FileNode structures with FileNodeID field value equal to 0x024 (GlobalIdTableEntryFNDX structure, section 2.5.10).

  • A FileNode structure with a FileNodeID field value equal to 0x028 (GlobalIdTableEndFNDX structure, section 2.4.3).


  • A FileNode structure (section 2.4.3) with a FileNodeID field value equal to 0x021 (GlobalIdTableStartFNDX structure, section 2.5.9).

  • Zero or more FileNode structures with FileNodeID field values equal to one of the following values:

    • 0x024 (GlobalIdTableEntryFNDX structure, section 2.5.10)

    • 0x025 (GlobalIdTableEntry2FNDX structure, section 2.5.11)

    • 0x026 (GlobalIdTableEntry3FNDX structure, section 2.5.12)

  • A FileNode structure with a FileNodeID field value equal to 0x028 (GlobalIdTableEndFNDX structure, section 2.4.3).

A global identification table applies to all FileNode structures specified immediately following the table until a FileNode structure with one of the following FileNodeID field values is encountered:

  • 0x01C (RevisionManifestEndFND structure, section 2.4.3)

  • 0x021 (GlobalIdTableStartFNDX structure, section 2.5.9)

  • 0x022 (GlobalIdTableStart2FND structure, section 2.4.3)