ATL Provider Error ATL2021

Subkey syntax - (\) not allowed in values.

The provider encountered a value containing a backslash character (\).

The backslash character, which indicates a subkey, is not allowed in values. If you want to specify a subkey, move the text preceding the backslash to the key. For example,

[ rdx ("HKLM", "test\\test1", "text") ] TCHAR m_szValue[10]; 

would become

[ rdx ("HKLM\\test", "test1", "text") ] TCHAR m_szValue[10];

The following sample generates ATL2021.

// ATL2021.cpp
// compile with: /c
// ATL2021 expected
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>

class CRDXTest
   public :
   [ rdx ("HKLM", "test\\test1", "text") ] TCHAR m_szValue[10];
// change above to
// [ rdx ("HKLM\\test", "test1", "text") ] TCHAR m_szValue[10];