
This protocol calls the LauncherTaskCompleted method to notify the load balancer service that a conversion task finished execution. The load balancer service MUST respond to this call by removing the task from its table of in-progress conversion tasks.

 bool LauncherTaskCompleted(String strLauncherUri, String strTaskName);

strLauncherUri: The URL of the launcher service that was assigned to the conversion task. This parameter MUST be a URL and MUST be 260 or fewer characters in length.

strTaskName: The name of the conversion task that finished execution. This parameter MUST be set to a non-empty value and MUST be 270 or fewer characters in length.

Return Value: This method MUST return a value of true if the conversion task is successfully removed from the load balancer service's table of in-progress tasks. Otherwise, this method MUST return false.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the .NET Remoting Core Protocol as specified in [MS-NRTP].