ResourceDictionary Properties

Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.

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Include Silverlight Members
Include Silverlight for Windows Phone Members
Include XNA Framework Members

The ResourceDictionary type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this object is associated with. (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone IsFixedSize Gets a value indicating whether the ResourceDictionary has a fixed size.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone Item Gets the element at the specified index.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone Keys Gets an ICollection object containing the keys of the ResourceDictionary.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone MergedDictionaries Gets a collection of the ResourceDictionary dictionaries that constitute the various resource dictionaries in the merged dictionaries.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone Source Gets or sets a URI that provides the source location of a merged resource dictionary.
Public propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone Values Gets an ICollection object containing the values of the ResourceDictionary.


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone ICollection<KeyValuePair<Object, Object>>.Count Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see Count.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone ICollection<KeyValuePair<Object, Object>>.IsReadOnly Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see IsReadOnly.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone ICollection.IsSynchronized Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see IsSynchronized.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone ICollection.SyncRoot Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see SyncRoot.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone IDictionary<Object, Object>.Item Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see Item.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone IDictionary<Object, Object>.Keys Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see Keys.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertySupported by Silverlight for Windows Phone IDictionary<Object, Object>.Values Infrastructure. For a description of this member, see Values.
