VersionControlServer.QueryHistory Method

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Public method

QueryHistory(String, VersionSpec, Int32, RecursionType, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)

Gets the item history, in the form of an enumerable collection of Changesets for the specified items and versions. Download information is not included. Without download information the function call is faster, but if you want to download files, you should use the overload method that will allow you to get download information with the returned items.

Public method

QueryHistory(String, VersionSpec, Int32, RecursionType, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Gets an enumerable collection of changesets that matches the specified items and versions.


See Also


VersionControlServer Class

VersionControlServer Members

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client Namespace