Selection Properties 

Public Properties

  Name Description
Active Determines if the selection in the specified window or pane is active.
Application Returns a _Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
BookmarkID Returns the number of the bookmark that encloses the beginning of the specified selection or 0 (zero) if there's no corresponding bookmark.
Bookmarks Returns a Bookmarks collection that represents all the bookmarks in a selection.
Borders Returns a Borders collection that represents all the borders for the specified object.
Cells Returns a Cells collection that represents the table cells in a selection.
Characters Returns a Characters collection that represents the characters in a selection.
ChildShapeRange Returns a ShapeRange object representing the child shapes of a selection.
Columns Returns a Columns collection that represents all the table columns in the selection.
ColumnSelectMode Determines if column selection mode is active.
Comments Returns a Comments collection that represents all the comments in the specified selection.
Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
Document Returns a Document object associated with the specified selection.
Editors Returns a Editors object that represents all the users authorized to modify a selection within a document.
End Returns or sets the ending character position of a selection.
EndnoteOptions Returns a EndnoteOptions object that represents the endnotes in a selection.
Endnotes Returns a Endnotes collection that represents all the endnotes in a selection.
EnhMetaFileBits Returns an Object that represents a picture representation of how a selection of text appears.
ExtendMode Determines if Extend mode is active.
Fields Returns a read-only Fields collection that represents all the fields in the selection.
Find Returns a Find object that contains the criteria for a find operation.
FitTextWidth Returns or sets the width (in the current measurement units) in which Microsoft Word fits the text in the current selection.
Flags Returns or sets properties of the selection.
Font Returns or sets a Font object that represents the character formatting of the specified object.
FootnoteOptions Returns a FootnoteOptions object that represents the footnote properties in a selection.
Footnotes Returns a Footnotes collection that represents all the footnotes in a selection.
FormattedText Returns or sets a Range object that includes the formatted text in the specified selection.
FormFields Returns a FormFields collection that represents all the form fields in the selection.
Frames Returns a Frames collection that represents all the frames in a selection.
HasChildShapeRange Determines if the selection contains child shapes.
HeaderFooter Returns a HeaderFooter object for the specified selection.
HTMLDivisions Returns a HTMLDivisions object that represents an HTML division in a Web document.
Hyperlinks Returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents all the hyperlinks in the specified selection.
Information Returns information about the specified selection or range.
InlineShapes Returns a InlineShapes collection that represents all the InlineShape objects in a selection.
IPAtEndOfLine Determines if the insertion point is at the end of a line that wraps to the next line.
IsEndOfRowMark Determines if the specified selection is collapsed and is located at the end-of-row mark in a table.
LanguageDetected Returns or sets a value that specifies whether Microsoft Word has detected the language of the specified text.
LanguageID Returns or sets the language for the specified object.
LanguageIDFarEast Returns or sets an East Asian language for the specified object.
LanguageIDOther Returns or sets the language for the specified object.
NoProofing Determines if the spelling and grammar checker ignores the specified text.
Orientation Returns or sets the orientation of text in a selection when the Text Direction feature is enabled.
PageSetup Returns a PageSetup object that's associated with the specified selection.
ParagraphFormat Returns or sets a ParagraphFormat object that represents the paragraph settings for the specified selection.
Paragraphs Returns a Paragraphs collection that represents all the paragraphs in the specified selection.
Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.
PreviousBookmarkID Returns the number of the last bookmark that starts before or at the same place as the specified selection or returns 0 (zero) if there's no corresponding bookmark.
Range Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that's contained in the specified object.
Rows Returns a Rows collection that represents all the table rows in a selection.
Sections Returns a Sections collection that represents the sections in the specified selection.
Sentences Returns a Sentences collection that represents all the sentences in the selection.
Shading Returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the specified object.
ShapeRange Returns a ShapeRange collection that represents all the Shape objects in the specified range or selection.
SmartTags Returns a SmartTags object that represents a smart tag in a document.
Start Returns or sets the starting character position of a selection.
StartIsActive Determines if the beginning of the selection is active.
StoryLength Returns the number of characters in the story that contains the specified selection.
StoryType Returns the story type for the specified selection.
Style Returns or sets the style for the specified object.
Tables Returns a Tables collection that represents all the tables in the specified selection.
Text Returns or sets the text in the specified selection.
TopLevelTables Returns a Tables collection that represents the tables at the outermost nesting level in the current selection.
Type Returns the selection type.
Words Returns a Words collection that represents all the words in a selection.
XML Returns a String that represents the XML text in the specified object.
XMLNodes Returns a XMLNodes collection that represents the collection of all XML elements in a selection — including those elements that are only partially within the selection.
XMLParentNode Returns a XMLNode object that represents the parent node of a selection.

See Also


Selection Interface
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace