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Applies-to Entry (RG 23 D) Field, Item Journal Line Table

This field is used when the raw material is purchased for trading purposes and subsequently it is used for manufacturing purposes. In this case the user has to choose entries from the look up list. In the selected line the quantity which is available in the Remaining Quantity field will appear by default in the Quantity field of Item Reclassification Journal window. The user can edit the quantity field. Entered quantity will store in RG 23 A part I. Excise amount will store in RG 23 A part II and RG 23D. If the capital goods are purchased for trading purposes and subsequently it is used for manufacturing purposes then the user has to choose the entries from the look up list. In the selected line the quantity which is available in the Remaining Quantity field will appear by default in the Quantity field of Item Reclassification Journal window. The user can edit the quantity field. Entered quantity will store in RG 23 C part I. Excise amount will store in RG 23 C part II and in RG 23D.


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Item Journal Line Table Inventory