Visual Basic for Applications Reference

InStr Function Example

This example uses the InStr function to return the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.

  Dim SearchString, SearchChar, MyPos
SearchString ="XXpXXpXXPXXP"   ' String to search in.
SearchChar = "P"   ' Search for "P".

' A textual comparison starting at position 4. Returns 6.
MyPos = Instr(4, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)   

' A binary comparison starting at position 1. Returns 9.
MyPos = Instr(1, SearchString, SearchChar, 0)

' Comparison is binary by default (last argument is omitted).
MyPos = Instr(SearchString, SearchChar)   ' Returns 9.

MyPos = Instr(1, SearchString, "W")   ' Returns 0.