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Visual Basic: CommonDialog Control

HelpCommand, Help Context Properties Example

The following example demonstrates several help commands. To try the example, place a CommonDialog control and five CommandButton controls on a form. Paste the code into the Declarations section, press F5 and click each button.

  Option Explicit
Const HelpCNT = &HB

Private Sub Command1_Click()
   With CommonDialog1
      ' You must set the Help file name.
      ' Change this to an existing file on the hard disk.
      .HelpFile = "VB5.hlp"
      ' Display the Table of Contents. Note that the
      ' HelpCNT contstant is not an intrinsic 
      ' constant. The cdlHelpSetContents ensures that 
      ' only the Table of Contents (not Index or Find) 
      ' shows.
      .HelpCommand = HelpCNT Or cdlHelpSetContents
   End With

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
   With CommonDialog1
      .HelpFile = "VB5.hlp"
      ' Go to the Click Event topic in the Help file.
      ' The number is determined in the [MAP] section
      ' of the .HPJ file for the .chm file. You can
      ' edit this number only if you are using the
      ' Microsoft Help Workshop to build your
      ' own Help file.
      .HelpContext = 916302
      .HelpCommand = cdlHelpContext
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
   With CommonDialog1
      .HelpFile = "VB5.hlp"
      ' Display help on Help.
      .HelpCommand = cdlHelpHelpOnHelp
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
   With CommonDialog1
      .HelpFile = "VB5.hlp"
      .HelpKey = "data"
      ' Display the Index with the keyword selected.
      .HelpCommand = cdlHelpKey
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
   With CommonDialog1
      .HelpFile = "VB5.hlp"
      .HelpKey = "arrays,"
      ' Display a list of topics found with 
      ' the HelpKey.
      .HelpCommand = cdlHelpPartialKey
   End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
   ' Label the CommandButton controls.
   Command1.Caption = "Contents"
   Command2.Caption = "Specified Topic"
   Command3.Caption = "Help On Help"
   Command4.Caption = "Index of Topics"
   Command5.Caption = "Found Topics"
End Sub