Microsoft Excel Object Model (page 4)

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Source (Type Library)

The Microsoft® Excel object model is provided by EXCEL.EXE, which is included when you install Excel.

Reference Information in Help

Help for this object model is available in VBAXL10.CHM.


A single plus sign (+) designates objects with accessors to the ColorFormat object.

A double plus sign (++) indicates that the ShapeRange objects have been omitted from this diagram. For general purposes, you can think of these objects as occupying the same positions as the Shape object.

A double arrow (>>) designates that you can reference the children of this object in another location within this object model.

See Also

Microsoft Excel Object Model (page 1) | Microsoft Excel Object Model (page 2) | Microsoft Excel Object Model (page 3)