Compiler Error CS0545

'function' : cannot override because 'property' does not have an overridable get accessor

A try was made to define an override for a property accessor when the base class has no such definition to override. You can resolve this error by:

  • Adding a set accessor in the base class.

  • Removing the set accessor from the derived class.

  • Hiding the base class property by adding the new keyword to a property in a derived class.

  • Making the base class property virtual.

For more information, see Using Properties.


The following sample generates CS0545.

// CS0545.cs  
// compile with: /target:library  
// CS0545  
public class a  
   public virtual int i  
      set {}  
      // Uncomment the following line to resolve.  
      // get { return 0; }  
public class b : a  
   public override int i  
      get { return 0; }  
      set {}   // OK  