DataGridTextBoxColumn.GetPreferredHeight(Graphics, Object) Method


Gets the height to be used in for automatically resizing columns.

protected public:
 override int GetPreferredHeight(System::Drawing::Graphics ^ g, System::Object ^ value);
protected internal override int GetPreferredHeight (System.Drawing.Graphics g, object value);
override this.GetPreferredHeight : System.Drawing.Graphics * obj -> int
Protected Friend Overrides Function GetPreferredHeight (g As Graphics, value As Object) As Integer



A Graphics object used to draw shapes on the screen.


The value to draw.


The height the cells automatically resize to.


The following example uses the GetPreferredHeight to return the height a column is automatically resized to.

public ref class MyGridColumn: public DataGridTextBoxColumn
   int GetPrefHeight( Graphics^ g, String^ val )
      return this->GetPreferredHeight( g, val );


public ref class Form1: public Form
   DataGrid^ dataGrid1;

   void GetPreferredHeight()
      Graphics^ g;
      g = this->CreateGraphics();
      int gridPreferredHeight;
      MyGridColumn^ myTextColumn;
      // Assuming column 1 of a DataGrid control is a 
      // DataGridTextBoxColumn.
      myTextColumn = dynamic_cast<MyGridColumn^>(dataGrid1->TableStyles[ 0 ]->GridColumnStyles[ 1 ]);
      String^ myVal;
      myVal = "A long string value";
      gridPreferredHeight = myTextColumn->GetPrefHeight( g, myVal );
      Console::WriteLine( gridPreferredHeight );

public class Form1: Form
 protected DataGrid dataGrid1;

private void GetPreferredHeight(){
   Graphics g;
   g = this.CreateGraphics();
   int gridPreferredHeight;
   MyGridColumn myTextColumn;
    // Assuming column 1 of a DataGrid control is a 
    // DataGridTextBoxColumn.
   myTextColumn = (MyGridColumn)
   string myVal;
   myVal = "A long string value";
   gridPreferredHeight= myTextColumn.GetPrefHeight(g, myVal);

public class MyGridColumn:DataGridTextBoxColumn{
   public int GetPrefHeight(Graphics g, string val){
      return this.GetPreferredHeight(g, val);
Public Class Form1
   Inherits Form
   Protected dataGrid1 As DataGrid
   Private Sub GetPreferredHeight()
      Dim g As Graphics
      g = Me.CreateGraphics()
      Dim gridPreferredHeight As Integer
      Dim myTextColumn As MyGridColumn
      ' Assuming column 1 of a DataGrid control is a 
      ' DataGridTextBoxColumn.
      myTextColumn = CType(dataGrid1.TableStyles(0). _
      GridColumnStyles(1), MyGridColumn)
      Dim myVal As String
      myVal = "A long string value"
      gridPreferredHeight = myTextColumn.GetPrefHeight _
      (g, myVal)
   End Sub 
End Class 

Public Class MyGridColumn
Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn
   public Function GetPrefHeight(g As Graphics , val As string) _
   As Integer
      return me.GetPreferredHeight(g, val)
   End Function
End Class

Applies to

See also