Update QueueFormatName

This event MUST be generated with no arguments.

Return Values

  • rStatus: A status code that can be one of the following:

    • The status code MQ_OK (0x00000000).

    • An error HRESULT.

Checking Pathname and QueueFormatName

  • If refQueue.Pathname is NULL and QueueFormatName is NULL, then return an error HRESULT, and take no further action.

  • If QueueFormatName is not NULL, then return MQ_OK, and take no further action.

Parsing and Expanding Path Name

  • Define the iPathname variable as a string and set it to refQueue.Pathname.

  • Parse iPathname based on [MS-MQMQ] section 2.1.1 and define the following variables:

    • Define the iIsSubqueue variable as a string and set it to TRUE if the path name includes the Subqueue part, otherwise set it to FALSE.

    • Define the iQueueName variable as a string and set it to the QueueName part of the path name.

    • Define the iComputer variable as a string and set it to the Computer part of the path name.

    • Define the iSubqueue variable as a string and set it to the Subqueue part of the path name.

  • If iPathname cannot be parsed correctly then return an error HRESULT and take no further action.

  • Define the iExpandedPathName variable as a string and set it to iPathname.

  • If iComputer is empty then return an error HRESULT and take no further action.

  • If iComputer is "." then take the following steps:

    • Set iComputer to the NETBIOS computer name of the current computer.

    • Replace the Computer part of the path name in the iExpandedPathName variable with iComputer.

Limiting Public Queue Name Length

  • If iPathname is a path for a public queue and the number of slashes ("/") in iQueueName plus the length of iQueueName is greater than 63, then return an error HRESULT and take no further action.

Removing the Subqueue part from Path name

  • If iIsSubqueue is TRUE, then remove the semicolon before the Subqueue part of the path name along with the Subqueue part itself from iExpandedPathName.

Getting Queue Format

  • Define iQueueFormat as an empty QUEUE_FORMAT structure ([MS-MQMP] section

  • If iPathName is a path name to a private queue, take the following steps:

    • Define iObjectFormat as an empty OBJECT_FORMAT ([MS-MQMP] section

    • Set iObjectFormat.pQueueFormat to point to iQueueFormat.

    • Define the iRpcBindHandle variable as an RPC binding handle.

    • Create an RPC binding handle as specified in [C706] section 2, "Introduction to the RPC API" to connect to the computer specified by iComputer.

    • If the server failed to create the RPC binding handle then return an error HRESULT, and take no further action.

    • Set iRpcBindHandle to the created RPC binding handle.

    • Call R_QMObjectPathToObjectFormat (Opnum 12) (as specified in [MS-MQMP] section with the following parameters:

      • hBind: Set to iRpcBindHandle.

      • lpwcsPathName: Set to iExpandedPathName.

      • pObjectFormat: Set to the address of iObjectFormat.

    • If it failed, then return an error HRESULT and take no further action.

  • If iPathName is a path name to a public queue, take the following steps:

    • Generate a Read Directory ([MS-MQDSSM] section event with the following arguments:

      • iDirectoryObjectType: Queue (as specified in [MS-MQDSSM] section

      • iFilter: an array of type attribute-filter expression with the following expressions:

        • "Pathname" EQUALS iExpandedPathName.

      • iAttributeList: an array of the following directory attributes:

        • The Identifier attribute.

    • If rStatus is not DirectoryOperationResult.Success then return an error HRESULT, and take no further action.

    • Set iObjectFormat.m_qpt to QUEUE_FORMAT_TYPE_PUBLIC and set iObjectFormat. m_gPublicID to the Queue.Identifier attribute value.

  • If iIsSubQueue is TRUE, then take the following steps:

    • Define iDirectName as a string and set it to "OS:" + iExpandedPathName.

    • Set iObjectFormat.m_qpt to QUEUE_FORMAT_TYPE_DIRECT.

    • Set iObjectFormat.m_pDirectID to iDirectName.

Getting Queue Format Name

  • Define the iQueueFormatName variable as a string.

  • If iQueueFormat.m_qpt is QUEUE_FORMAT_TYPE_PRIVATE then set iQueueFormatName to "PRIVATE=Lineage\Uniquifier" where Lineage is replaced by iQueueFormat.m_oPrivateID.Lineage in the "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format and Uniquifier is replaced by iQueueFormat. m_oPrivateID.Uniquifier in the "xxxxxxxx" format.

  • If iQueueFormat.m_qpt is QUEUE_FORMAT_TYPE_DIRECT then set iQueueFormatName to "DIRECT=DirectID" where DirectID is replaced by iQueueFormat.m_gDirectID.

  • If iQueueFormat.m_qpt is QUEUE_FORMAT_TYPE_PUBLIC then set iQueueFormatName to "PUBLIC=PublicID" where PublicID is replaced by iQueueFormat.m_gPublicID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format.

  • If iIsSubQueue is TRUE then append ";" + iIsSubQueue to iQueueFormatName.

  • Update QueueFormatName to iQueueFormatName.

  • Return MQ_OK.