Data Binding

Data binding is the association between a row of a recordset and a shape in a drawing page. A row can be bound to zero or more shapes. A shape can have zero or one recordset rows bound to it.

The rows of a recordset that are bound to shapes are specified by the RowMap_Type child elements of the DataRecordSet_Type element for the recordset. In each RowMap_Type element, the row is identified by a RowID attribute, the shape is identified by a ShapeID attribute, and the drawing page containing the shape is identified by a PageID attribute.

The fields of a recordset are mapped to shape data items in the bound shapes. A field can be mapped to zero or one shape data item in each shape that is bound to a row in the recordset. A shape data item can have zero or one fields bound to it.

The mapping between each field of the recordset and shape data item of the bound shape is specified by the DataColumn_Type element for the field and a Row_Type child element of the Property Section_Type element for the shape. A mapping exists if there is a Row_Type element with an N attribute that is equal to the Name attribute of the DataColumn_Type element.