1.3.4 Clouds

A cloud is a group of nodes that can communicate with each other to resolve DRT keys into addresses. Each node participates in one and only one cloud; it maintains a cache of DRT key-to-endpoint mappings (called "route entries") that allow it to communicate with other members of the cloud. A node is required to cache its "Leaf Set" (the five DRT keys on each side that are numerically closest to each of its own DRT keys). Messages are exchanged between nodes to distribute information about DRT keys. For purposes of determining numerical closeness, the DRT key numbering space is considered to be circular (for example, 2256-1 is adjacent to 0 in a numberspace of size 2256).

Participation in clouds involves a number of distinct steps:

  • Cloud discovery

  • Joining a cloud

  • Active participation in the cloud

  • Leaving a cloud

Each step is discussed in the following sections.