4.2 Sample Activity Traces

The following examples discuss a sample use of the .NET Tracing Protocol to generate a correlated activity trace. The .NET Tracing Protocol does not prescribe the usage of ActivityId, CorrelationId, and the format of the traces emitted. Individual protocol implementation is free to use the ActivityId and CorrelationId in any form suitable to generate activity traces. The following examples are used for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the protocol specification.

Sample traces generated at the client and server ends for a request-response message exchange pattern are described later. In these samples, the ActivityId attribute associated with XML element <Correlation> is used to associate the generated activity traces with the ActivityId received in the SOAP header. The SOAP headers associated with the request message are also included in the generated trace (see element E2ETraceEvent\ApplicationData\TraceData\DataItem\TraceRecord\ExtendedData\MessageHeaders\ActivityId). For illustration purposes, the sample traces discussed later are defined as if they were generated for the request-response messages discussed in section 4.1.