7.4 The configInfo parameter for the InfoPathPageConverter.exe

The full XML schema of the configInfo parameter for the InfoPathPageConverter is as follows.

   <xs:element name="RcaTransformation">
         <xs:element name="ConverterSettings">
             <xs:element name="InfoPathPageConverterSettings">
                   <xs:element name="FilePlaceHolder">
                         <xs:extension base="xs:base64Binary">
                           <xs:attribute name="Url" type="xs:anyURI"/>
                   <xs:element name="SelectedView">
                       <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string"/>
                 <xs:attribute name='Version' fixed='1' />
             <xs:attribute name="SourceDocLibUrl" type="xs:string" use="required" />
             <xs:attribute name="AllocationLimitHint" type="xs:positiveInteger"
                           use="optional" />
         <xs:any />

The RcaTransformation and ConverterSettings elements are specified in Section 7.1.The ConverterSettings node contains a child element named InfoPathPageConverterSettings, which has the following child elements and attributes:

FilePlaceHolder: The content, encoded with base64 encoding, of the file specified by the value of the attribute Url, which is a fully qualified URL of a file that follows the format described by [MS-IPFF] or [MS-IPFF2]. The XML file being converted is created by filling out the form that this file in the [MS-IPFF] or [MS-IPFF2] format specifies.

SelectedView: The name of the view as specified in [MS-IPFF] or [MS-IPFF2] which conversion applications are expected to apply.

Version: Reserved. Always set to 1.