2.2.46 ContentChildNodesOfOutlineElement

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: jcidOutlineElementNode

The ContentChildNodesOfOutlineElement structure is an array of ObjectID structures (section 2.1.6) that specifies the child content nodes of a jcidOutlineElementNode structure (section 2.2.21). The array MUST be set and MUST contain exactly one ObjectID structure, which SHOULD<4> reference one of the following structures. If the referenced object is not one of the following structures, the ContentChildNodesOfOutlineElement structure MUST be ignored and MUST be written to the file as it was read.

Child Elements:

jcidRichTextOENode: A jcidRichTextOENode element (section 2.2.23) that specifies a child node that contains rich text.

jcidTableNode: A jcidTableNode element (section 2.2.26) that specifies a child node that contains a table.

jcidImageNode: A jcidImageNode element (section 2.2.24) that specifies a child node that contains an image.

jcidEmbeddedFileNode: A jcidEmbeddedFileNode element (section 2.2.32) that specifies a child node that contains an embedded file.