4.9 Invoking a Function

To invoke a function, a client sends an HTTP GET request to the URL that represents the function. Binding allows the client to send the GET request to a URL that represents the function with the binding parameter that is already specified.

In the following example, the binding parameter (called "Customer"; see section 6) to the HasOrderFor function is the resource identified by the URL preceding the fully-qualified function name. In this example, the remaining parameters (productType) are specified in the query string according to the rules specified in section

In this example, the request asked for a response formatted in Verbose JSON, so the Boolean return value for this function is returned in a standard OData Verbose JSON response, with a name/value pair, where the name is the name of the function and value is returnType serialized in OData Verbose JSON format.

HTTP Request:

        GET /Customers('ALFKI')/SampleEntities.HasOrderFor?productType='luxury goods' HTTP/1.1
        Host: host
        Accept: application/json;odata=verbose
        DataServiceVersion: 3.0
        MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0

HTTP Response:

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2008 04:23:49 GMT
        DataServiceVersion: 3.0
             "d" : {
               "HasOrderFor": true