2.2.2 CreateHtmlInfo

The CreateHtmlInfo common data type stores the result of a conversion task performed by a server which implements the IHtmlTrLauncher interface. This common data type is specified by the Microsoft.HtmlTrans.Interface library as follows.

 namespace Microsoft.HtmlTrans
 class CreateHtmlInfo
         CreationErrorType m_ce;
         String m_strMainFileName;
         String m_strMainFilePath;
         Byte [][]m_rgrgbThicketFiles;
         String []m_rgstrThicketFileNames;
         Byte []m_rgbMainFile;
         String m_strThicketFolderName;

m_ce: The error level of the conversion task that finished execution.

m_strMainFileName: The file name of the result file. If the conversion task finishes successfully, this member MUST be set to a non-empty value, MUST be 128 or fewer characters in length, and MUST NOT contain any of the characters specified in Section 2.2. If the conversion task is unsuccessful, this member MUST be set to an empty string.

m_strMainFilePath: A relative path for the result file and supporting files. This member MUST be set to a lower-case GUIDString followed by a "/" (forward slash) character.

m_rgbMainFile: The result file of the conversion task. This member MUST be set to a non-null value if the conversion task finishes successfully and the fReturnFileBits parameter of IHtmlTrLauncher.CHICreateHtml is set to true. Otherwise, this member MUST be set to null.

m_rgstrThicketFileNames: The filenames of the supporting files. This member MUST be set to a non-null value if any supporting files are created. Otherwise, this member MUST be set to null. Each string within the array MUST be 128 or fewer characters in length and MUST NOT contain any of the characters specified in Section 2.2.

m_rgrgbThicketFiles: The supporting files created by the conversion. The size of the array MUST be identical to that of m_rgstrThicketFileNames. The index of a file in this array MUST be the same as the index of the corresponding file name in m_rgstrThicketFileNames. The array MUST be set to null if no supporting files are created. Otherwise, this member MUST be set to a non-null value.

m_strThicketFolderName: The name of the supporting folder. If any supporting files are created, this member MUST be set to a non-empty value, MUST be 128 or fewer characters in length, and MUST NOT contain any of the characters specified in Section 2.2. Otherwise, this member MUST be set to an empty string.

If supporting files are returned in the CreateHtmlInfo common data type, the result file MUST reference the supporting files using relative paths under the assumption that the supporting folder appears at the same level in the directory hierarchy as the result file. For example, if the result file needs to reference a supporting file named "a.txt" and the name of the supporting folder is "B", a correct reference would be of the form, "B\a.txt".