Specifying the Data Type and Content Type (Basic Data Mining Tutorial)


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

Now that you have selected which columns to use for building your structure and training your models, make any necessary changes to the default data and content types that are set by the wizard.

Review and modify content type and data type for each column

  1. On the Specify Columns' Content and Data Type page, click Detect to run an algorithm that determines the default data and content types for each column.

  2. Review the entries in the Content Type and Data Type columns and change them if necessary, to make sure that the settings are the same as those listed in the following table.

    Typically, the wizard will detect numbers and assign an appropriate numeric data type, but there are many scenarios where you might want to handle a number as text instead. For example, the GeographyKey should be handled as text, because it would be inappropriate to perform mathematical operations on this identifier.

    Column Content Type Data Type
    Address Line1 Discrete Text
    Address Line2 Discrete Text
    Age Continuous Long
    Bike Buyer Discrete Long
    Commute Distance Discrete Text
    CustomerKey Key Long
    DateLastPurchase Continuous Date
    Email Address Discrete Text
    English Education Discrete Text
    English Occupation Discrete Text
    FirstName Discrete Text
    Gender Discrete Text
    Geography Key Discrete Text
    House Owner Flag Discrete Text
    Last Name Discrete Text
    Marital Status Discrete Text
    Number Cars Owned Discrete Long
    Number Children At Home Discrete Long
    Region Discrete Text
    Total Children Discrete Long
    Yearly Income Continuous Double
  3. Click Next.

Next Task in Lesson

Specifying a Testing Data Set for the Structure (Basic Data Mining Tutorial)

Previous Task in Lesson

Creating a Targeted Mailing Mining Model Structure (Basic Data Mining Tutorial)

See Also

Content Types (Data Mining)
Data Types (Data Mining)