2.1 Transport

This protocol MUST use the DCOM Remote Protocol, as specified in [MS-DCOM], as its transport. On its behalf, the DCOM Remote Protocol uses the following RPC protocol sequence: RPC over TCP, as specified in [MS-RPCE].

An implementation of Disk Management MAY configure its DCOM implementation or underlying RPC transport with authentication parameters to allow clients to connect. The details of this are implementation-specific.<5>

The Disk Management interfaces make use of the underlying DCOM security framework, as specified in [MS-DCOM], and rely upon it for access control. DCOM distinguishes between launch and access. An implementation of Disk Management SHOULD differentiate between these two types and impose different authorization requirements per interface. The IVolumeClient, IVolumeClient2, IVolumeClient3, and IVolumeClient4 interfaces SHOULD be the most restrictive, requiring the invoker to have access to the Disk Management system. The IDMRemoteServer interface SHOULD be less restrictive, because it provides less access to the underlying system.<6>