BITRSHIFT( ) Function

Moves bits in a numeric value to the right by the specified number of positions and returns the resulting value.


If the specified expressions are not integers, they are converted to integers before performing the operation.

BITRSHIFT(nExpression1, nExpression2)


  • nExpression1
    Specifies the numeric value in which to move bits to the right.
  • nExpression2
    Specifies the number of bit positions to move to the right.

Return Value

Numeric. BITRSHIFT( ) returns the specified expression with bits moved by the specified number of positions.


BITRSHIFT( ) does not support Varbinary values.


x = 5  && 0101 binary
y = 1  && Shift bits 1 position right

? BITRSHIFT(x,y) && Returns 2, 0010 binary

See Also


BITAND( ) Function
BITCLEAR( ) Function
BITLSHIFT( ) Function
BITNOT( ) Function
BITOR( ) Function
BITSET( ) Function
BITTEST( ) Function
BITXOR( ) Function

Other Resources

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)