
The UpdateMeetingFromICal element specifies the input parameters associated with the UpdateMeetingFromICal operation (section This element is defined as follows.

 <s:element name="UpdateMeetingFromICal">
       <s:element name="icalText" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>
       <s:element name="ignoreAttendees" type="s:boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"/>

icalText: Updated information about the meeting instance. This element MUST be present. This MUST be a valid iCalendar object as specified in [RFC2445]. If this parameter is an empty string, the response MUST be a SOAP fault with SOAP fault code "0x00000005". The total number of ATTENDEE elements in this parameter MUST be less than or equal to 254. If this parameter contains more than 254 ATTENDEE tags, the response MUST be a SOAP fault with SOAP fault code "0x0000000d".

ignoreAttendees: Specifies whether this is a scheduling-only update or whether it affects attendees. The protocol client SHOULD<2> NOT set this value to FALSE unless the protocol client address book is missing or has only partial details.