Could not create output directory 'directory'. <reason>

The project system could not create a project directory.

The project system will attempt to create all output directories as soon as the project is opened. The following is a list of the output directories created by the project system:

  • projectfolder\obj\configname
    A temporary configuration-specific output directory.

  • projectfolder\obj\configname\temp
    Working area used by the compiler.

  • projectfolder\obj\configname\temppe
    Temporary assemblies used by designers at design-time are created here.

  • outputdir
    The directory specified by the Output Path property. See Build Page, Project Designer (C#) for more information.

The most common reason for failing to create one of the directories under the obj folder is exceeding the MAX_PATH limit for directory names.

Less common reasons will include permission denied and out of disk space.

To correct this error

  • If the path is too long, change the project location or shorten the name of the project configuration.

    The build process will fail if this error occurs.

See Also


How to: Modify Project Properties and Configuration Settings