IUpdate::SecurityBulletinIDs (Opnum 40)

The IUpdate::SecurityBulletinIDs (opnum 40) method retrieves the security bulletin IDs associated with the update.

 HRESULT SecurityBulletinIDs(
   [out, retval] IStringCollection** retval

retval: An IStringCollection instance containing the security bulletin IDs associated with this update. If no security bulletin IDs are associated with this update, retval MUST be set to an empty IStringCollection instance.

Return Values: The method MUST return information in an HRESULT data structure. The severity bit in the structure identifies the following conditions:

  • If the severity bit is set to 0, the method completed successfully.

  • If the severity bit is set to 1, the method failed and encountered a fatal error.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol [MS-RPCE].

The server SHOULD return the value of the SecurityBulletinIDs ADM element.