Create Directory Object

This event MUST be generated with the following arguments:

  • iDirectoryObject: A DirectoryObject ADM element instance to be created in the directory.

  • iAttributeList (Optional): An array of strings containing the subset of the names of the directory attributes of the iDirectoryObject argument to be persisted in the directory. If this argument is not supplied, all directory attributes of the iDirectoryObject argument that can be persisted at create time are persisted. The following sections specify the individual types list attributes that can be persisted at create time.

Return Values:

  • rStatus: A DirectoryOperationResult that indicates the result of this directory operation.

  • rObjectGUID: The GUID of the newly created DirectoryObject ADM element instance. This value is undefined if rStatus does not equal DirectoryOperationResult.Success.

The MQDSSM algorithm MUST perform the following actions to process this event:

  • Determine the type of the iDirectoryObject argument. If the type is not one of QueueManager, Queue, Site, or RoutingLink, rStatus MUST be set to the DirectoryOperationResult.GenericError, rObjectGUID is undefined, and processing MUST end.

  • The create operation logic for the type of ADM element specified by the iDirectoryObject argument MUST be performed as specified in the sections listed following. The rStatus and rObjectGUID values specified in each section MUST be returned.