2.2.1 Folder Redirection Protocol Version Zero Configuration Data

Version Zero of the protocol uses the SMB transport to copy a file that MUST be named <gpo path>\User\Documents & Settings\fdeploy.ini, where <gpo path> is a scoped GPO path. The message is the file itself.

The file MUST contain one section with the SectionID Folder Status. The folder status section MUST contain zero or more key-value pairs (called redirection options) where:

  • The key MUST be one of the following five string constants, specifying the user profile folder to which the redirection options SHOULD<1> apply:

    • My Documents

    • My Pictures

    • Start Menu

    • Application Data

    • Desktop

  • The value corresponding to each key MUST be a string representation of a hexadecimal value, representing the binary OR of a collection of flags. The following section specifies the flags.

To see an example of a version zero configuration file example, please see section 4.4.